Increased Spring Chinook Limits in Washington

Each week we round-up the top fishing news from the Northwest and beyond. Do you have a news tip? E-mail us at news /at/
Washington Announces New Spring Chinook Limits
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has announced several rules changes impacting the spring Chinook fishery.
Effective immediately and through June 30, Wind River anglers may keep up to 3 adult spring Chinook. Additionally, the Burlington Northern Railroad Bridge will no longer be used as a boundary. Instead, the Highway 14 Bridge will be used as a boundary for the anti-snagging rule, two poles, and boat limits.
Increases in limits are also in effect on Drano Lake, the Lower Cowlitz River, and the lower Kalama River. According to the WDFW, the changes were precipitated by strong hatchery returns. Meanwhile, the mainstem and West Fork Grays River will open two weeks early to fishing for hatchery spring Chinook and hatchery Steelhead.
For details and more information, visit the WDFW website.
Oregon to Host Memorial Day Weekend Family Trout Event
Families and novice anglers interested in catching trout over the Memorial Day weekend may want to consider stopping by Sheridan Pond in Sheridan, Oregon on Saturday, May 23. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) plans to release more than 2,000 trout for a free family fishing event that will take place at the popular Yamhill County fishing hole from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Our goal is to make this as fun and easy as possible for everyone,” said Jeff Fulop, ODFW family fishing event coordinator, in a written statement. “We want to give parents the opportunity to enjoy a day of fishing with the kids in a safe, constructive atmosphere.”
Regular Oregon fishing licenses are required, however, ODFW staff will be on-hand to provide rods, reels, lures, bait and instruction.
To get to Sheridan Pond from the city of Sheridan, take Hwy. 18 to Exit 33 onto Balston Rd. Go south on Balston Rd. approximately half a mile and turn left onto a gravel road leading about a quarter mile to the pond.
Safe Boating Week Continues through Friday

Clark County (Wash.) Sheriff’s Office boat in “Wear-It” livery during the Hazel Dell Parade in Vancouver, Wash.
This week marks National Safe Boating Week, which continues through Friday, May 22. This year’s safe boating week marks the official kick-off of the 2015 “Wear-It” campaign, an initiative of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, U.S. Power Squadrons, National Safe Boating Council, and Boat U.S. Foundation to encourage life jacket use.
According to campaign staff, U.S. Coast Guard statistics show that drowning was the reported cause of death in three-fourths of recreational boating fatalities in 2013, and that 84 percent of those who drowned were not wearing life jackets.
The “Wear-It” campaign will host local events, teach classes, distribute educational materials, and perform free vessel safety checks. In addition, the National Safe Boating Council has started a free, online course to teach boaters about basic navigation rules.