Fishing Reports for May 27
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
Deep water Halibut closed this week but there are a few thousand pounds left for the near coastal incidental catch in the Westport area. Many people are still coming down and experiencing some really Great bottom fishing. We were able to get some really nice Rockfish and Lingcod.
- image courtesy Cyndi Lanier
- image courtesy Cyndi Lanier
- image courtesy Cyndi Lanier
Report submitted by Kevin Lanier,VP PSA State Board, Owner MV Fishin’ Luhrs and KC Sportfishing; Photography by Cyndi Lanier, Owner Dockside Art Studio, Westport, WA 425-328-8559
- image courtesy Mark Coleman
- image courtesy Mark Coleman
- image courtesy Mark Coleman
Report submitted by Mark Coleman, All River and Saltwater Charters; 425-736-8920
Marina Area 3 (LaPush and Forks)
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
Memorial Day is the time to honor our military personnel who have lost their lives in Service. We had a great Memorial holiday out on the water in the San Juan Islands with friends. During the day, I found myself reflecting on the fact that we would not have the freedom to enjoy days like these without the sacrifices, ultimate and on going, of the men and women of our Armed Forces.
Thank you. You’re gratefully appreciated by those who you protect for the freedom you provide for us. If you would like to get involved helping our veterans that made it home, Salmon for Soldiers is a great way to do it. Let’s give them their own great day out on the water. For more information and contact, go to
Prawn’s and Ling Cod were on the menu, literally and figuratively for Memorial Day. With the tides moving fairly slowly, and our pots weighted with about 24lbs of lead, we figured we would have a pretty good shot at the shrimp. Sure enough, we got our limits for all six people on board in two pulls of the pots. We got a friendly check from WDFW personnel right after we had counted out our legal limit, and returned the rest to the water. The officers were very professional and courteous. We we’re playing by the rules, and it made for a pleasant experience for everyone involved. In my experience that is usually the case in Marine Area 7. We have some good young (and older), officers in our area. Fish and Wildlife enforcement would be a good career to look into for a young person who likes being out on the water. I’m know the job has danger and challenges, but it sure looks better than being chained to a desk, eyes pin wheeling in front of a computer screen all day!
- Alexandria Holman is ready to go get some prawns! It will be a few years before she’s actually piloting the boat, but for now, dad Andy and mom Carol make a pretty good Captain and crew.
- Floyd Holman and his Sister running the gear in the “Kidliest Catch”. Lifejackets, check. Watchful eye from the adults, check. Ear to ear grins and memories being made…double check.
- Floyd hoists a legal 27” Linger. It fell for a curly tailed plastic on a 4oz Jig head. I can attest that it was the perfect eating size for dinner. Hopefully as Floyd gets bigger, the fish will too. You know, to keep perspective in the photos!
Halibut, Ling and Prawns rock on in the ‘Juan’s. No Salmon for Slammin’, but the rest are ‘jammin! The Halibut have mostly been coming on anchor, and the prawns like 300’ plus, depending on location.
- Angie and husband Par had a great Memorial weekend in Friday Harbor, and did well on the Cod.
- Andy Holman duked it out and finally decked this bruiser flatty last weekend. He showed it whos’s boss afterward by cutting it into nice sized pieces, rolling it in Tempura batter, and frying it in peanut oil at 325 for 3 minutes.
- Karen mixed in another flat one, headed for the vacuum sealer.
- Sir Lance “a lot of Halibut” Rhinehart put some nice fish on the round table that knight. Don’t forget those cheeks! Just like scallops…yum!
Submitted by Kevin Klein, Fidalgo-San Juan Islands Chapter PSA , CCA Northsound
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9
no report this week
Maine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
no report this week
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13
no report this week
British Columbia
no report this week
Vancouver Island (Saltwater)
Alberni Inlet
no report this week

Mike, Jay, Dennis, and John with few nice Lingcod and Rockfish.
Salmon fishing could best be described as slow or spotty this past few days. Although I didn’t fish for Salmon myself this week most boats reported only a fish or two most days on the inside waters. Some of these fish are over 20 pounds though! The offshore banks fared better with limits most days but tough fishing. Lots of Coho are being reported on the banks and a few inside now as well. Coho open for retention June first.
Halibut and bottom fishing is great and will continue this way for the summer.
Barkley Sound
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was PICKING UP in East Sooke over the weekend. Most of the fish were coming from the Bedfords and Whirl Bay. There were also some fish coming from the Trap Shack to Beechey Head. Most hatchery springs were running from 7 to 18 lbs in size and there were some larger unclipped fish that had to be released. Some of the salmon were caught deep (120 -160 feet) in even deeper water and others were caught from 50-70 feet on the downrigger. Anchovies were the most productive bait and Bloody Nose and Green Glow were the most popular teaser heads. Spoons and plastic baits have also been catching a few fish. Spoons, in 3 or 4 inch size such as G-Force in Trap Shack or Cop Car were effective. Squirts are working too with Pistachio, Purple Haze and white the best patterns. For flashers, the Madi and the Purple Onion have been very good lately.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

photo courtesy Tom Valda, Island Outfitters
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing was SLOW during the week but BETTER over the weekend. There was a mixture of both wild and hatchery fish in the area. The fish were hitting 3”-4” spoons as most of the needlefish in the area were small. Anglers did best using squirts, spoons, or tiny strip or anything that imitated a needlefish. The Trap Shack has been the best color G-Force spoon and Gold Nugget and Green Splatterback have been the best Coho Killer spoons. Good squirts were the Purple Haze, J-79 and white. The best flasher has been the Gibbs Lemon Lime. Halibut fishing was GOOD this past week out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island. Anglers are using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Chinook salmon fishing was GOOD this past weekend as a new run of fish moved in.. Whirl Bay and Church Rock were unquestionably the hot spots, although those fishing inside Pedder Bay were also picking up salmon. There were several wild fish over 20 lbs caught in Whirl Bay but most were hatchery fish in the 7 – 15 lb size range. A lot of the fish were caught deep, at 180 on the downrigger in 240 feet of water. Anchovy was the most productive lure for springs with Green, Special Red, Purple Haze and Bloody Nose being top choices in teaser heads. Coho Killers and G-force spoons with both glow and green have been working the best. Flashers that remain popular include the Madi and the Purple Onion. Halibut fishing was GOOD this past weekend. Most anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was FAIR near Sidney. The Sidney Anglers’ Association held their Spring Derby this past weekend. Larry Dalziel won the derby with an 18.1 lb spring caught near the Powder Wharf on a Sitka Sand Lance spoon. Second place went to Noah Kosick for a 12.9 lb spring caught on Tiny Strip near Sidney Spit. Third place went to Barry Freeman for an 11 lb 10 oz spring caught near Isabella Point on a white squirt. Many anglers are fishing using anchovies in Bloody Nose and UV Green teaser heads. Squirts have been out producing hootchies and the hot patterns for springs now are Purple Haze, J-79 and Electric Chair. Coho Killer spoons have also been working well, especially in double glow and 50/50 colors. Larry Dalziel won the derby with an 18.1 lb spring caught near the Powder Wharf on a Sitka Sand Lance spoon. Second place went to Noah Kosick for a 12.9 lb spring caught on Tiny Strip near Sidney Spit. Third place went to Barry Freeman for an 11 lb 10 oz spring caught near Isabella Point on a white squirt. The Sooke Saltwater Series Halibut Derby was held this past weekend. Congratulations go to Harvey Wood who won the derby and $1,800 cash with a 71.06 lb halibut. Second place went to Ryan Chamberland for a 58 lb halibut. Third place went to Matt Waldron for a 56.1 lb halibut. Mike Koff, who won out Island Outfitter’s 19th Annual Just for the Halibut Derby came in 4th with a 56 lb halibut.
Tip of the Week – For many anglers it is the beginning of fishing season and they are about to take their first trip of the year. Before you go on that long anticipated first trip, go over all your gear in detail. Replace last year’s line with new line, get rid off old leaders and replace them with new ones and clean up anything that’s tarnished. It wouldn’t hurt to do an inventory of all your gear and make sure that you have everything that you need before venturing forth. Every year we hear a sad story of someone out for the first time and hooking a monster, only to lose it to worn tackle that they just didn’t bother to replace. Don’t let that be you.
Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The fishing for springs was FAIR this past weekend. Some hatchery springs into the teens were taken and there were some very big wild fish that were caught and had to be released. The springs are scattered all the way west and past Sherringham Point. The salmon restrictions are not in effect west of Sherringham and we heard of a 29 lb spring caught out that way. Bait is now out producing artificial lures when fishing for the springs. Anchovies are working the best and Green and Bloody Nose teaser heads being the best color choices. G-Force spoons in Irish Cream and No Bananas have been catching their fair number of fish. The most popular flashers recently have been the Gibbs Madi, the Outfitter and the Jellyfish UV.
The Sooke Saltwater Series Halibut Derby was held this past weekend. Congratulations go to Harvey Wood who won the derby and $1,800 cash with a 71.06 lb halibut. Second place went to Ryan Chamberland for a 58 lb halibut. Third place went to Matt Waldron for a 56.1 lb halibut. Mike Koff, who won out Island Outfitter’s 19th Annual Just for the Halibut Derby came in 4th with a 56 lb halibut.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Fishing for winter springs was GOOD off Constance Bank but SPOTTY along the waterfront. Hatchery fish weighing into the high teens were caught at Constance, as well as some bigger unclipped fish that had to be released. The salmon were feeding on needlefish that were schooled on the bank. Needlefish spoons were very effective in getting hook ups. Anglers have not done as well fishing closer to shore but there were a few fish near Brotchie Ledge.. Anchovies and Tony Strip have been working well in glow colors. Good choices in plastic baits are the Cloverleaf, Purple Haze and Glo Below squirts. Gibbs Coho Killer, Kingfisher and Coyote spoons in green and glow colours have been very effective.
Halibut – Halibut fishing was GOOD this past weekend. Most anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Vancouver Island (Freshwater)

photo courtesy Tom Valda, Island Outfitters
OVERVIEW – Fishing is PICKING UP on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Trout fishing in the Cowichan River is EXCELLENT. Remember that ALL wild trout (steelhead included) must be released on ALL streams in Region 1. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake. Only single barb less hooks are allowed for all fishing on island streams and rivers. Bass fishing is now catch and release only until June 15th.
COWICHAN RIVER – The water level is low. Today it is 0.40 meters near the lake and near Duncan. The trout fishing in the mid and upper river is EXCELLENT. Insect hatches are becoming larger and more frequent. There were some huge mayfly hatches this past week. The rainbows, cutthroats and resident brown trout are actively feeding on these hatches and migrating salmon fry. During the hatch, match the hatch with dry flies for exciting action. Bead head nymphs are the top producer when a hatch isn’t in progress. Good patterns are Prince Nymphs, Gold Ribbed Hare’s Ears and Wooly Buggers. A fry imitation or a Wooly Bugger will also work, especially for the brown trout.
TROUT – Trout fishing was GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area this past week. The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC most recent local releases of rainbow trout from the Vancouver Island Trout Hatchery are as follows. On May 11th, Elk Lake received 5,000 yearling trout with an average weight of 32.53 grams and Langford Lake received 2,500 yearling trout with an average weight of 64.46 grams. On April 24th, Elk Lake received 1,150 trout with an average weight of 214 grams and Durrance Lake received 650 trout with an average weight of 214 grams. On April 22nd, Spectacle Lake received 500 trout with an average weight of 232 grams. On April 21st, Matheson Lake, Kemp Lake and Glen Lake received 500 trout with an average weight of 226 grams and Colwood Lake received 250 trout with an average weight of 226 grams. On April 8th, Elk Lake received 2,000 trout, Lookout Lake received 175 trout and Ida Anne Lake received 75 trout with an average weight of 208 grams. On March 13th, Shawnigan Lake received 2,164 trout averaging 248 grams. On March 12th, Spectacle Lake received 500 trout with an average size of 239 grams. On March 10th, Elk Lake received 1,850 trout, Lookout Lake received 200 trout and Ida Anne Lake received 50 trout with an average weight of 240 grams. On March 9th, Thetis Lake received 1,250 trout and Kemp, Matheson, Glen and Dougan Lakes each relieved 500 trout with an average size of 234 grams.
Bank anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing from shore and right on the bottom. Orange Garlic and Pink Garlic have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are fishing Pumpkinheads, Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Micro Leech patterns on full sink fly lines. Trollers have been doing well with Gibbs Gang Trolls and Gibbs Wedding Bands. Other good trolling lures are the Apex Trout Killers in rainbow, green or black and white patterns. Flatfish and/or Kwikfish have also been effective in sizes 5 to 7 in Frog, Black with Silver Flake or Rainbow Pattern. The biggest trout this year have come from Langford Lake.
BASS – Bass fishing is GOOD. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows for spawning. During the day, soft plastics rigged Carolina style work well and crank baits can work well too. Soft plastics rigged “Carolina Style “is also a good choice when fishing drop offs and docks. The most productive colors in 4” Yum baits are Smoke or Pumpkinseed. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing. Bass fishing is now catch and release only until June 15th.
Notable Catches – Ryan and Alec weighed in a 2 lb 10 oz Rainbow trout from Fuller Lake on May 24th. If they could contact the store to give us some details it would be appreciated.
Please send photos (in jpeg format) and descriptions of your notable catch to our email
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Great Lakes
Tough But Steady Fishing Milwaukee!
Harbor and gap fishing good to slow for Brown Trout with a few small Chinook. Small spoons or crank baits best bait in the harbor. Badger Tackle Reaper or Vulcan spoons getting it done in the regular size.
How Chinook
Harbor and gap Chinook are coming on Vulcan or Reaper regular combinations of green/silver, all silver and blue/silver. My first choice is first light with glow spoons. The spoons are best when run 100 feet behind the downrigger ball and 26 feet down. There are also Chinooks are also being taken in 65 feet of water in White Fish Bay 45 down to the bottom.
How Lake Trout
Action for Lakers has been the best bet for fish in the cooler. Try long lead spoons and SWR rigs 45 to 60 feet down. Lead cores are also a good choice. Best action has been in 65 feet.
How Coho
Some scattered reports of Coho being caught. The surface is 46 degrees and it will be several weeks until they arrive.
Fish are mixed up and scattered. Fish the entire water column in 20 to 100 feet of water for the best action. Our best speed was 2.0 to 2.2 mph measured at the ball with the Depth Raider.
Submitted by Capt. Jim Hirt (Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI) 414-828-1094
Oregon Coast
no report this week