Fishing Reports for July 22
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has estimated “Good” prospects for Chinook in Marine Area 1 during the month of July.
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
Chinook fishing has slowed a bit at Westport but at the same time Coho fishing has really picked up. All the hot weather in the Puget Sound area has stirred up the Ocean. For the last week sea conditions have been less than ideal on the coast. Seven, eight, and nine-foot seas have been the norm so those that have ventured out are not going far from the jetties. Still, a number of Chinook in the low to mid twenty pound range have hit the docks along with Coho in the 8 to 10 pound range too.
Bait and Spoons have both worked well with the 3.5 inch Silver Horde Cookies and Cream Tail wagger taking top honors. The small King above could not resist it nor could the one Melody is holding. Divers and bait have been the ticket for the shallow Coho. Fish a Short Bus flasher in Pink or Orange with a 6 foot leader to the bait or spoon. It is deadly at times. Make sure you brine your herring or anchovy so they will hold up.
Most of the fish caught in the last week have come in 35 to 150 feet of water north of the inlet. The mouth of Willapa bay is starting to put out fish too. You can catch plenty of fish within 6 miles of the Grays Harbor bar. Bring a variety of rigs because the Salmon seem to be change their preference from day to day.
Traditionally the next month will be the best fishing of the year in the Ocean for Salmon so get down here to Westport. Stop by and say hi. Have Fun, be Safe and we will see you in Westport.
Marina Area 3 (LaPush and Forks)
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has estimated “Good” prospects for Chinook in Marine Area 1 during the month of July, and “Fair” prospects for Coho during the same time period.
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
Beginning Friday, July 24, anglers fishing ocean waters off La Push and Neah Bay will be restricted to one chinook per day as part of their daily limit of two salmon. Anglers fishing those waters have been allowed to retain two chinook per day since June 13. High catch rates for chinook off the northern coast have prompted this change, said Doug Milward, ocean salmon manager for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW).
Through July 19, anglers fishing out of La Push (Marine Area 3) had caught 1,042 chinook, about 40 percent of the chinook harvest guideline (2,600) for that area. Anglers fishing off Neah Bay (Marine Area 4) had taken 5,553 chinook, which is about 66 percent of the chinook harvest guideline (8,400) for the area.
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)

Report submitted by Allan Palmerson of CCO Sportfishing (360-470-6078).
Marine Area 6
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has estimated “Excellent” prospects for Chinook, Pinks, and Sockeye in Marine Area 6 during the month of July.
Marine Area 7

Angie was able to subdue this nice King after a good fight.
I just got back from 10 days in Canada with little contact, so an abbreviated report for this week. Lots of Pinks and lots of crab in the Islands right now. Chinook are around as well, but not in big numbers.
Crabbing has been good in the San Juan’s since the July 16th opener. We hauled fairly easy limits on Monday, before the pots had to come out. Crabbing is open Thursday through Monday only.
Hopefully we’ll be getting’ out there and gettin’ after it. Gotta get a big Fraser pig on the other end of things here reel quick. The tug is the drug!
R.I.P. “Snake” Stabler. Coolest cat, baddest dude, and best QB not in the HOF. Hope the fish are bitin’ down in Mussel Shoals forever Kenny. You da man.
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)

The Captain Midnite Crew put a hurt on some piggy Kings out of Port Townsend
“WOW….That was fast !” I chuckled to myself thinking about the shortest King season ever in Puget Sound. It was a wild and furious week in Area 9 this past week with anglers from all over the state crowding in Area 9 to get a brief chance of hooking a hatchery Chinook.
Luckily, the fishing was “good” for most who played “dodge boat” from Possession to Mid-Channel Bank. The go-to lures were big….Ace Hi’s and Green Hootchies catching most of the monsters in the 140 to 160 foot range suspended 15-25 feet off the mud. Now it is time to slow down the troll, change to small hootchies and load the freezer with some smoked Humpies (for your neighbor).
See you on the water !
Report submitted by Nelson “Spud” Goodsell (IGFA Lifetime Member; President, Salmon for Soldiers 2015; FISHTALE 2)
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
The salmon fishing continues to be slow with 7 fish yesterday all under 20 pounds. A few pink salmon are starting to show. The usual areas such as the Girl Scout camp area and Gig Harbor Shoreline in 60-90 feet of water trolling 30-60 feet down. Also the Clay Banks has been producing fish. Mooching has been a challenge because of the abundance of dogfish. The best times has been high water to an hour past the tide change. Crabbing has been pretty good in Quarter Master Harbor, Commencement Bay, Dash Pt. area, etc. For more information call 253-591-5325.
Basic Fishing Classes Offered at Point Defiance Marina.
Monthly classes (TBD) are offered to youth and for adults to prepare you to better take advantage of the fishing at Point Defiance and the local lakes and rivers. Learn knot tying, tackle, rods and reels, rigging techniques, regulations, and safety. Call 253-591-5325 to learn more about these classes
PSA Salmon Derbies Salmon Derbies
South King County Chapter – August 1, 2015 Gig Harbor Chapter- August 8, 2015 South Sound Chapter – August 15, 2015. Derby tickets now available online or at Point Defiance Marina for $35.00
Point Defiance Marina, For more information contact: Art Tachell, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13
no report this week
Freshwater – Lake Chelan

Our very own CFO, Sandra Jones with a nice Rufus Triploid Rainbow.
What still continues hot is trolling for Lake Trout on Chelan early in the morning on the Bar with a sprinkling of big fish. Also continuing hot is trolling the face of Manson Bay in the evenings for numbers of Lake Chelan Lakers. By the way, fishing from the public access near the upper net pens on Rufus Woods Reservoir is also hot.
On the Bar, look for depths from 120 to 170 feet deep. That lower hump is covered with fish during the first hour of light. Evenings are best in Manson Bay in depths of 120 feet near Wapato Point and up to 270 feet deep in the center of the bay. As always, fish within 3 to 5 feet of the bottom and keep your speed around 1.2 mph. The Mack’s Lure Bead and Blade combo our guide, Jeff Witkowski has developed has been very productive. He uses a bead combo to give the rig about a 4” long profile. Similar in profile, the Needlefish squid rig by Silver Horde / Goldstar has also worked. Bait these rigs with a chunk of Northern Pikeminnow. On both rigs, reversing a #1 action disk by so the neck pokes through the hole of the big Mack’s Lure Smile Blade helps that blade turn harder and more consistently with less line wear.

Julie Newton and the gang from Renton, Wash. with their evening catch of Lakers.
Up at Rufus Woods Reservoir, a simple slip sinker rig with Pautzke’s Fire Bait in Garlic Green got Sandy and me our limits in short order at the Net Pen Public Access area for my birthday. It was just like being a kid again! Your fishing tip of the week is to check your line for nicks and frays. Periodically run your leaders through your lips. Always try to feel you line when you are reeling it in. Respooling is cheap insurance against an unnecessary lost big fish.
The kid’s tip of the week is let ‘em know you love ‘em. Even when I’m sending the little ones off to time out, they get a hug going in and one coming out after I process what they did wrong and what they need to do to make it right. Discipline is necessary, hostility isn’t.
Your safety tip of the week is to think in terms of checklists at the dock and when retrieving your boat. More mistakes are influenced by fatigue and dehydration at the end of a day on the water than any other time. Take a minute and think. I know you’re tired…
Freshwater – Lake Union
Just when you thought the water couldn’t get any warmer… Lake Union warmed up to 78 degrees on Sunday. It was a zoo out there with boaters, paddlers and swimmers. The smallmouth bass bite was still pretty consistant throughout the day. Drop shot snub worms and diving crank baits around docks, under boats ,weed lines and bottom structure produced a few fish. The perch bite is off the hook; I mean on the hook. They were stealing my drop shot left and right. There are also quite a few crappie hanging around the shallow areas around docks. Drag anything in front of them an it’s like a school of piranha coming at your bait. I’m looking forward to the cool down this week. Tight Lines!
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
While out fishing on Potholes yesterday we noticed a smoke plume rising from the west. It turned out to be the results of the wild fire just west of George. At this time it is still going but with the wind we have no smoke here at Potholes. Yesterday with the wind we did jump around fishing first the dam face, catching several smallmouth. Then we moved to just outside of the State Park trying for some jumbo perch. After catching about 25 catfish we moved into the dunes to try for largemouth. In searching I did find my spot and with a Senko rigged the first cast resulted with a largemouth. Wind and whitecaps made up my mind to call it a day for there is always tomorrow since I live about one mile from the boat launch.
Deep diving crank baits like Shad Raps or Hotlips trolling about 3 mph in waters from 12 to 20 feet are still catching Walleye. Over this weekend one of my neighbors did land Walleye measuring 30″, 27″, 25″ and 22″ – all released. This was over 2 days so persistence does pay off. With the water still dropping, the ramps are useable. Usually the water will continue to drop until mid September so some of the ramps will become unusable.
On a sidelite, in our garden out watermelon and cantaloupe are growing like weeds. Living in western Washington we have never had this. Yum,Yum.
Tom Pollack – retired
British Columbia
no report this week
Vancouver Island (Saltwater)
Alberni Inlet

A great day of fishing was had by Ken and friends.
The Sport Sockeye Fishery in the Alberni Inlet CONTINUES to be absolutely incredible. To date this has been one of the best, if not the best Sockeye Sport season in many years. Due to very low and warm water in the Somass River, the Alberni Inlet, and the warm air temperatures the Sockeye salmon which are returning in an abundant number are schooling in very large numbers out in the Inlet water. We have had some rain and cooler temperatures in the area which has led to some migration through the salmon ladders. Almost one hundred thousand Sockeye have migrated through the system. The Sockeye are schooling from Cous Creek out to the Nahmint Franklin area. The projected outlook for Sockeye returns to the Somass River has been upgraded to 1.3 million. The Sockeye migrate into the Somass River and then into Sproat and Great Central Lakes. Projected migration into the lakes with a 1.3 million return should be close to four hundred thousand with the updated forecast return. With much of Vancouver Island in drought like conditions it is hoped that some more moisture will arrive to help the migration of all west coast Vancouver Island Salmon returning to the Somass River System.
The Sockeye in the Alberni Inlet are currently sitting in eighty to one hundred and twenty feet of water. They are hitting short leader lengths from eighteen to twenty-five inches in length behind a variety of hotspot flashers. The mp2, mp15, pink and blue, pink and black, and the pink with either the green or white head hootchies all seem to be working very well for most of the sport anglers. Sockeye are attracted to the boat by color. Many sport fishermen will often have eight flashers behind their boat. Four are often dummy flashers and the other four with hootchies of choice. The Sockeye are averaging four to eight pounds. Sockeye are the number one commercial salmon. They are wonderful for summer barbeques and when vacuum packed properly last the winter for those special occasions. With good numbers of fresh Sockeye coming into the system on a daily basis we are hoping the Sockeye Sport fishery will continue into the August Long Weekend.
Sockeye fishing is a wonderful fishing opportunity for the whole family. It is a fun fishery for young and old. Don’t miss out on this opportunity in the Alberni Inlet this July and early August.
For more information and/or reservations, call Doug Lindores at Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing (250) 723-2435; (250)724-2502; cell (250)731-7389 or 1-877-214-7206 or;
We’ve had some great salmon action in the past week. Lots of good fishing on the inside waters and the off shore banks are fishing well. Areas on the Big Bank have lots of Chinook. Sometimes the bank is full of pinks and they can be a nuisance. Coho are still kind of hit and miss. Some days they are there and the next, gone. Lots of Halibut are out on the banks as well. Halibut fishing is good on the banks for chickens and also is good closer in for larger fish. Big Halibut are here but the key to catching them is patience. Put your time in and you will be rewarded.
For more info call Ken Bodaly at Rocky Point Charters, Bamfield, B.C. 250-728-3678 or the boat cell phone 250-735-4224 email

The Day family from Singapore had a great morning of Sockeye
fishihg with Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing.
The salmon fishing in Barkley Sound has been relatively inconsistent. The best fishing has been out on surf line areas. The islands close to the Ucluelet Harbor Mouth, Meares, Austin, Cree Island, Kirby Point, Edward King and the Bamfield Wall have all had times during the past few weeks with some hot Chinook and Coho sport fishing. Areas close to the Ucluelet Harbor that have had a few fantastic fishing days are Great Bear and Sail Rock. The inner and outer South bank and Long Beach have had some of the transient salmon linger creating some good sport salmon fishing opportunity. The Rats Nose however has had the best offshore sport fishing. The Bank is full of large herring which have moved good numbers of migrating Chinook and Coho onto the Bank to feed as they migrate to the big watersheds to the south. Spoons and plugs in the six inch and some five inch have been working the best. Spoons with no flasher have been fantastic. The salmon in the Sound and inside waters have been hitting anchovy in green glow, army truck, and green haze Rhys Davis Teaser Heads. Needle fish hootchies and hootchies in green (spatterback), blue and white have worked well. A few guides have done very well with the army truck glow hootchie and the cuttlefish J-79. The Sonora cuttlefish, Jack Smith, and Blue Meaney Hootchies have been very good out on the banks. Anchovy and a variety of four and five inch coyote spoons have also been working very well. We are looking forward to some great sport fishing opportunities during the second half of July and August in Barkley Sound offshore. The numbers of transient Chinook and Coho headed to the big watersheds to the south are forecast to be very strong which will provide some very excellent sport salmon fishing.
For more information and/or reservations, call Doug Lindores at Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing (250) 723-2435; (250)724-2502; cell (250)731-7389 or 1-877-214-7206 or;
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT in East Sooke. There are “tons” of pink salmon and boats are getting limit catches. The pinks are throughout the entire area so you don’t have to search very far to find them. The best fishing has been on the flood tide in the tide rips and tide lines. The spring salmon fishing is pretty steady inside the bay. The best fishing there has been in tight to shore in 100 feet of water and between 40 – 70 feet on the downrigger. Anglers are also catching some springs between the Trap Shack and Beechey Head but a big spring could show up anywhere. Most springs were running from 15 to 25 lbs in size.. Anchovies were the most productive bait for the big springs and No Bananas and Halloween Candy were productive teaser heads. However, spoons and plastic baits have been popular due to anglers switching to artificial baits because of the amount of bait needed to weed through all of the pinks! The Glow/Green Stripe hootchy has been effective for springs this past week. Spoons, in 3 or 4 inch size such as G-Force in the Outfitter or Trap Shack colours were effective. For flashers, the Lemon Lime, Betsey and the Purple Onion have been good.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing was GOOD during this past week. There were springs up to the low 20’s taken but fewer fish that the previous week. The fish caught were mostly were caught when fishing lures right on the bottom (60-120 ft) on the flats. The fish were hitting needlefish spoons as needlefish are the predominant in the area. Anglers also caught fish using G-force spoons in 3 -3.5 in No Bananas and Outfitter colours. Anglers that were jigging reported catching springs as well. Coho Killers in Gold Nugget and Green Splatterback have been pretty productive. The best flasher has been the Gibbs Lemon Lime and the Bon Chovy.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week out in Haro Strait and off Discovery Island. Anglers that have been fishing are using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay

Mario Stocco with his kayak caught salmon.
Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this week. Limits of pink salmon, some nice springs and a couple of hatchery coho were reported between Pedder Bay and Church Rock. Pedder Bay itself was the best location to catch a nice spring, especially in shallow and on the ebb tide. All of the pink salmon has kept the rental boat fleet very busy and there are usually waits at peak times. That said, it’s a great place to take the family for lots of action. Anglers jigging inside of the bay were also catching springs and the Mac Fish and Gibbs Minnows were productive jigging lures.. Anchovy was the most productive bait when trolling for springs with Halloween Candy and Bloody Nose being top choices in teaser heads. G-force spoons with both glow and green have been working as well and are getting more popular due to all of the pinks eating up bait. Flashers that remain popular include the Madi, Betsey, Lemon-Lime and the Purple Onion. Mario Stocco caught a 15lb spring just off of Gordon Beach from his kayak late Sunday afternoon.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week. Duane Mousseau and his fishing partner landed 56 & 41 lb halibut from the Race one day this past week. Anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was EXCELLENT near Sidney. The pink salmon have been running off of the Pender Bluffs and lots of bats are getting limits in less than two hours of fishing time. A few chinooks were brought in over the past week weighing but not too many. The springs have been shallow, 30 to 50 feet and in shallow water first thing in the morning. Many anglers are fishing using anchovies in Bloody Nose and UV Green teaser heads. Squirts have been out-producing hootchies and the hot patterns for springs now are Purple Haze, J-79 and Electric Chair. Coho Killer spoons have also been working well, especially in double glow and Gold Nugget.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

David Chung weighing in his big spring
The salmon fishing was EXCELLENT this past week. The pink salmon are here and most Sooke anglers have reported limit catches! Now that the pinks are running, it is a great opportunity to get new anglers and kids out. The springs were in less common and scattered throughout the area. There were some 30 lb+ springs caught but most fish are weighing in the 20’s and teens. Jordan Game brought in a 38.2 lb spring to take over 2nd place in out leader board contest. David Chung brought in a 33.6 lb spring form Muir Creek to take over 3rd place. The bigger springs are being caught in the 35 – 60 ft depths. Anchovies are the number one choice for Sooke anglers but with the high numbers of pinks being caught recently, many anglers are forced to use artificial baits when they run out of anchovies or herring. We’ve heard of some anglers using up to 50 anchovies in a day’s fishing. Teaser heads that have been performing well with anchovies are Bloody Nose, UV Green, Green Glow and the Mint Pearl. G-Force spoons in Irish Cream and No Bananas have been catching their fair number of fish. Coho Killers have been quite effective in catching pinks. A few sockeye have been caught but they are closed for retention. The most popular flashers recently have been the Ok’i Betsey, the Gibbs Outfitter and the Jellyfish UV.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Fishing for springs was GOOD off Constance Bank if you could get your lure past the pink salmon. Springs weighing into the high teens and twenties are being caught at the bank as well as the pink salmon. The pinks have been showing up off Victoria waterfront too, especially in deeper water and along the tide lines. It’s still spotty for springs off the harbour entrance and the breakwater but some fish have been caught there. Tom Vaida landed a 28 lb spring on anchovy while fishing at 20 feet in 40 feet of water off the waterfront. There has been a bunch of 3-4” herring off the waterfront recently, so spoons in that size are a good choice for trolling. .Anchovies, spoons and squirts were successful in getting hook ups. Good choices in plastic baits are the Electric Chair, Purple Haze and pink squirts. Gibbs Coho Killer, Sitka needlefish and Coyote spoons in green, moon glow and silver colours have been very effective. The Lemon Lime flasher with the Glow Green Splatter Back Coho Killer has been a very effective combo out on the bank.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past weekend. Anglers had mixed reports of success because of lots of dogfish on one day and then none the next. Most anglers that were fishing were using mackerel, extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use a large spoon fished off a spreader bar, Mudraker or Lucky Jigs or other large Jigs if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Cowichan River
Effective July 4, 2015, virtually all angling in streams and rivers in Wildlife Management Units 1-1 through 1-6 is suspended.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fishing is GOOD on most lakes as the water temperatures climb. Wild rainbows and cutthroats over 50 cm must be released in Cowichan Lake. Only single barb less hooks are allowed for all fishing on island streams and rivers.
Bass fishing is EXCELLENT. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows. During the day, soft plastics rigged Carolina style work well and crank baits can work well too. Soft plastics rigged “Carolina Style “is also a good choice when fishing drop offs and docks. The most productive colors in 4” Yum baits are Smoke or Pumpkinseed. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Trout fishing was GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area this past week. Bank anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing from shore and right on the bottom. Orange Garlic and Pink Garlic have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are fishing Pumpkinheads, Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Micro Leech patterns on full sink fly lines. Trollers have been doing well with Gibbs Gang Trolls and Gibbs Wedding Bands. Other good trolling lures are the Apex Trout Killers in rainbow, green or black and white patterns. Flatfish and/or Kwikfish have also been effective in sizes 5 to 7 in Frog, Black with Silver Flake or Rainbow Pattern. The biggest trout this year have come from Langford Lake.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Stamp River
Effective July 4, 2015, virtually all angling in streams and rivers in Wildlife Management Units 1-1 through 1-6 is suspended.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Tillamook Bay
(last updated July 14, 2015) The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) reports that, while spring Chinook are still being caught, fishing has not been consistent, though good catches have been reported off-and-on and anglers who have been trolling herring or large-bladed spinners are meeting with some success. Sturgeon fishing (catch-and-release) has been slow.
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan
Fish are in with the cold water! West wind for several days has pulled the fish into sixty to eighty feet. Badger Tackle Reaper or Vulcan spoons getting it done in the regular or magnum size.
How Chinook
The Reaper Fish N Chip Magnum spoons are best when on SWR’s off the downriggers. Run from 34 to the bottom. Divers set at #1.5 with 120 feet of line out another option.
How Lake Trout
Action for Lakers has been steady. Same presentation as for Chinooks have been best. Over the last 3 days I have taken Lakers 30 to 80 down over 60 to 180 feet of water. Option #2 Copper and Lead cores are my also good. Best action has been in 105 feet.
How Coho
Coho have slowed down.
Rainbow Trout
Vulcan OL Sherbet Orange spoons on 2,3,4, color lead core best. They have turned on over the last 7 days. You must fish deep to catch this jumping fish.
Fish are north or south of Milwaukee. Fish 60 feet and up. For the best action set up in 65 feet and fish out to 80 and back in. Our best speed was 1.9 to 2.0 mph measured at the ball with the Depth Raider. The current has been strong watch your speed! Have a great fishing season.
Submitted by Capt. Jim Hirt (Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI) 414-828-1094