Fishing Reports for July 20
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
Things have definitely picked up in Westport this week. The Chinook are showing up more and more each day. With periods of really good weather, it only looks to get stronger over the next few weeks.
We had a number of trips this week and things have been pretty consistent. Most fish have been caught between the 50 line up to the 56 line. 200 feet of water seems to be the right area. The surface water temperature has been as high as 61 degrees but that temp ends at about 90 feet. Most of our fish have come from 90 to 150 feet on the downriggers. Silver Horder’s, Gold Star Hoochies behind a flasher and Bait behind a Short Bus Flasher have been our go to rigs as of late. Herring or Anchovies are both working well. Find the bait schools and work the area hard.
There are a lot of really nice Coho being caught and released now. If you get into Coho you might consider moving because they are being hooked at all depths. MA1 is open to the retention of Coho but not 2, 3, or 4.
Tuna fishing is very good and the main key right now is finding the schools. Those little buggers are all over the place from week to week.
Salmon fishing should get even better over the next few weeks as the main waves of fish move down toward the Columbia river. Have fun, be safe, and we will see you in Westport.
Marine Area 3 (LaPush and Forks)
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
Salmon fishing for Chinook at Neah Bay has been very slow. Most Chinook being caught are small and few and far between. Many anglers are fishing Swiftsure Bank but not having a lot of luck. Even guides from the LaPush area are going North looking for fish. There are massive schools of herring in the Neah Bay area, some of the largest schools seen in years and many humpback whales. If the fishing is to pick up, it should be happening any day now.
Submitted by Don Dybeck, Port Hadlock, Wash.
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Chinook fishing is expected to be “Excellent” in Marine Area 5 during July.
Salmon University staff
Marine Area 6
According to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Chinook fishing is expected to be “Excellent” in Marine Area 6 during July.
Salmon University staff
Marine Area 7
We hit area 7 at first light Sunday morning. It was slow for the first hour. I changed to a herring aid spoon, got a bite 5 minutes later. 65′ in 85′ of water.
Submitted by Dane and Brady of Team Rod Dog Arches

Kris Maudslin holds up an average sized clipped chinook salmon for this year. It seems most of the adiposed clipped hatchery fish around now are in this size range, with larger specimens up to 28lbs hitting the docks.
Crabbing is open in the San Juan Islands, for Dungeness, Red Rock, and new for this year, Tanner crab! Tanner, also called Bairdi, are found deep, 200-400 feet, in muddy bottoms. They are tasty, although at those depths, I don’t think they’ll be taking over the recreational crab crown from Dungies anytime soon. Tanner retention is 6 crab per person daily, 41/2″ minimum size, any sex. Release soft shell. They are open only when other crabbing is open in an area, They do not count against other crab limits. As always, read the regs on any type of crab or shellfish harvest before you go. Also, make sure your pots are weighted enough for those depths, and you have enough puller to retrieve them safely. Smaller tides are your friend. I’m pretty sure most “stolen” pots, whether shrimping or crabbing, are current swept. Crabbing was pretty good on the opener. Prawning is still going strong, with enough for dinner coming over rails. Salmon fishing has been fairly slow. We haven’t seen a big push of larger fish come through yet. That’s fairly common for this time of year.
Submitted by Kevin Klein, Team Parker Boats NW.
Marine Area 8.1
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reports “Fair” prospects for cutthroat in Marine Area 8.1 during July.
Salmon University Staff
Marine Area 8.2
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reports “Fair” prospects for cutthroat in Marine Area 8.2 during July.
Salmon University Staff
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
“WE FOUND ‘EM!” I shouted to Kathy as the rod tugged toward the saltwater below. The fishing was fast and furious on opening day in Area 9 this past Saturday.
We started the troll with 250 of our favorite friends at Possession. It wasn’t long and we pick up our first Area 9 King of the Season. As the tide started to pick up we decided to make a run for it far away from the crowd. It was a lucky move to Skunk bay when the beast hit in very shallow water. In the net and back to the docks we went to feast on grilled salmon belly for lunch.
Great reports from the usual places with Edmonds being a bit slow and Port Townsend being excellent. Find the bait, find the PIGGIES !
See you on the water,
Report submitted by Nelson “Spud” Goodsell of Salmon for Soldiers (FISHTALE 2). The cover image of this week’s fishing reports was also contributed by Goodsell.
Fishing has been slow although some nice fish have been caught. Some salmon have weighed over 20 pounds but the average weight is more in the 10-15 pound range. Hottest lure setup seems to be the Pro-Troll 11-inch flasher in UV colors matched with about 5-feet of leader and a Silver Horde Tailwagger Spoon in the Irish Crème color. Most fish are being caught early in the morning or late evening and a smaller bit this last week around tide change. A lot of shakers are being caught and dogfish galore.
Salmon University staff
Marine Area 10
Fishing has been sporadic. Some days very good, other days, not much happening. A lot of dogfish in the area and of course remember Shilshole Bay and Elliott Bay are off-limits to sportsfishermen and only open for Mukleshoot Gillnets. What a shame!
Salmon University staff
Marine Area 11
Salmon fishing has slowed some this week with big tides and full moon. This weekend it should start picking up. A few fish caught at Point Dalco and Gig Harbor Shore Line. Jigging has been productive and trolling just off the bottom in 120-150 feet of water. For a more updated report call 253-591-5325. The crabbing continues to be a little slow but improving, try different depths and different baits some of our regular fishermen are being successful.
There are also reports of Squid being caught off of the area docks at night. For a more updated report call 253-591-5325.
Crab fishing opened 7/01/16 in Area 11 and is open in Area 13 as well.
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. For more information call 253-591-5325.
Basic Fishing Classes are offered throughout the summer months. 2 Hour classes are $15.00 and can be designed for youth and adults. Boat House Tackle Shop open 7 days a week.
Boat lifts open at 5am tackle shop open 5:30am tackle shop close 8:30pm boat lifts 8:50 and facility 9:00pm. For more information call 253-591-5325 Call 253-591-5325 or visit us on Facebook “Point Defiance Marina”
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Art Tachell, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reports “Good” prospects for cutthroat in Marine Area 13 during July.
Salmon University staff
Freshwater – Baker Lake
Report submitted by Dane and Gabe of Team Rod-Dog Arches.
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
As the weather here is changing I have just been chased inside due to rain. The end of the week the sun will be out and temperatures rising. The lake is slowly dropping but it is still higher then normal. The Walleye continue to remain spread out with about a two fish per boat average. Bass fishing remains slow except for the dam face. I have found it to be very snaggy and a real tackle grabber but the smallmouth are there with split shot sinker rigged about 18″ up from a Sinko. Also some of the lakes below the dam have produces largemouth. My granddaughter Ellie fishing with her dad Scott Saturday evening landed and released 5 largemouth.
Still some of the walk in lakes are still producing nice trout with no pressure. A neighbor walked into Piller Lake and kept a 20 and 25″ rainbows. Yes watch out for rattlesnakes and check for ticks. Snakes will let you know when you are to close but the ticks are sneeky so use a tick spray.
Report submitted by Tom Pollock.
British Columbia
no report this week
Vancouver Island (Saltwater)
no report this week
Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound
no report this week
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was SPOTTY this past week. The Trap Shack, Beechey Head, and Aldridge Point were the most productive locations to fish. Most of the chinooks were running less than 10 lbs in size but there were few larger ones too. Anglers using bait are finding anchovies in glow teaser heads have been working well. Spoons, such as the G-Force and Skinny G, in Bon Chovy or Outfitters’ colours were also effective. For flashers, the Purple Onion, Lemon Lime and Bon Chovi have been good.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay

John Kinihan, Mike Kinihan, 17 year old Ben Kinihan and 19 year old Anthony Kinihan and Kingsley Grant had a good day with 3 of 4 halibut around the 50+ pound mark as well as Lingcod, Rockfish and a small salmon while fishing near Oak Bay.
Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. There are some fish in the area, just not too many of them and they were scattered. There has been a lot of bait to hold fish, but the just haven’t shown up in any numbers. Anglers fishing with bait have been using anchovies or tiny strip in Glow teaser heads. Good trolling lures have been Coho Killers, Bon Chovi or Outfitters Skinny G spoons and APT Needlefish spoons. Drift anglers have been using Needlefish Darts or Deep Stingers.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week John Kinihan, Mike Kinihan, 17 year old Ben Kinihan and 19 year old Anthony Kinihan and Kingsley Grant had a good day with 3 of 4 halibut around the 50+ pound mark as well as Lingcod, Rockfish and a small salmon. The Halibut were all in 285 feet of water in South West Haro Strait on caught on salmon and greenling heads tipped with Gulp baits and Octopus to make the meal too big for the dogfish. Most anglers that were fishing for halibut were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Also working well was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow. Also working well, and discouraging to dogfish, was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Salmon fishing was SPOTTY this past week. Almost all the salmon caught near the entrance of Pedder Bay. There was a lot of bait in the bay and anglers jigging near the bait schools were hooking the most salmon. Many of the jiggers were getting limits while anglers trolling were getting skunked. The springs were mostly on the small side, but fish up to 20 lbs were taken.. Anchovies also caught fish, but not as many as the ones taken jigging. Good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Flashers that are popular include the Betsey, Lemon-Lime and Madi.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past weekend. The best areas were Race Rocks, William Head, 27 Fathom reef and Constance Bank. Anglers that were fishing were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use Mudraker, Lucky or 9” Jumbo Squids if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was VERY SLOW this past week. We’ve heard on one spring about 12 lbs being taken at Pender Bluffs and that’s about it. Trollers fishing with tiny strip or anchovies were using Bloody Nose and UV Green teaser heads. Anglers using spoons found Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and AP Tackle needlefish spoons were successful. Anglers jigging have also been catching springs and are using Needlefish Darts and Deep Stingers. The Powder Wharf and Shag Rocks area are popular for jigging salmon.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was SPOTTY this past week. Otter Point and Secretary Island were the best spots for fish. Anglers fishing off Sherringham Point, Otter Point and the Bluffs have had the most success this past week. Most of the springs not very big but there are some large springs up to 30 lbs in the area. Anchovies are now the top choice for bait. and good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse , Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. The top spoons for Sooke anglers are the White Lightening or Irish Cream Coho Killers trolling behind the Madi or Bon Chovi Flasher. Hootchies in Cop Car, Purple haze and White have been effective in the past month.
The 11th Annual Consultants Invitational Fishing Derby, an invitational event hosted by the civil engineering community of Victoria to raise funds for the Sooke Salmon Enhancement Society, was held this past Saturday. The winning salmon was a 30 lb 3 oz chinook caught by Lorne Mitchell. The 2nd place salmon was a 25 lb 6 oz chinook caught by David Bonella. Scott Adams placed 3rd with a 24 lb 10 oz chinook. The largest bottomfish was a 3 lb 3 oz Rockfish caught by Hayden Earle. All told, there were 32 chinook, 2 pink salmon and 3 rockfish weighed in. Only 6 salmon weighed more than twenty pounds. It was very slow fishing considering how many boats and anglers were in the derby.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Fishing for salmon was SPOTTY off Victoria. The best fishing was out at Constance Bank where most fish were taken. There were a few caught along the waterfront near Esquimalt, but not very many. On Saturday, Garth Hallum caught a 7 lb hatchery coho on a spoon fished at 30’ off the waterfront.. Anchovies have been a good bait to use and Glow Green and Purple Haze have been the most popular colors for teaser heads. Spoons and squirts have been successful in getting hook ups as well. Good choices in plastic baits are the Pink Haze and White Glow. Green Spatter Back UV Coho Killers, Gibbs Outfitters or Bon Chovi Skinny G trolling behind a Moon Jelly flasher has also brought results in Victoria.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Cowichan River
no report this week
Trout fishing is GOOD on most lakes in the South Island area. Shore anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, or worms while fishing close to the bottom. Chartreuse and Fluorescent Yellow have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are fishing Pumpkinheads, Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Micro Leech patterns on full sink fly lines. Trollers are catching trout with Gibbs Gang Trolls and Gibbs Wedding Bands. 2” Tomic Plugs have also been working well for Trout.
Bass fishing is EXCELLENT. At this time of year most of the bass are in the shallows. During the day, soft plastics rigged Carolina style work well and crank baits can work well too. Soft plastics rigged “Carolina Style” are also a good choice when fishing drop offs and docks. The most productive colors in 4” Yum baits are Smoke or Pumpkinseed. Langford Lake, Shawnigan Lake, Prospect Lake and Elk and Beaver Lakes are the best local bass lakes. St. Mary’s Lake on Salt Spring Island is also a great lake for bass fishing.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Tillamook Bay
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife reports that spring Chinook are available in decent numbers, and angling is improving. Trolling herring or large bladed spinners are the most productive techniques. Keep your gear near the bottom while trolling slowly.
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan
no report this week