Fishing Reports for August 24
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)

(Terry Rudnick photo)
The Buoy 10 salmon fishery hasn’t been as generous to anglers lately as it has in past years and likely will be in the coming days and weeks, but there are enough chinook around to keep fishermen interested. Many of the fish being caught at week’s end were on the smallish side, but big enough to put a smile on the face of 14-year-old Mason Holt, grandson of G. Loomis public relations manager Bruce Holt. Fishing with Chad Normoyle near the Megler-Astoria Bridge, the Holt boys put a matched set of fish like this one in the boat. Plug-cut herring behind flashers and divers did the job. Along with the chinook, a few coho are starting to show in the Buoy 10 catch.
Report submitted by Terry Rudnick. Rudnick is the author of the seminal volume “Washington Fishing,” and co-author of the award-winning books “How to Catch Trophy Halibut” and “Washington Boating and Water Sports.” See all articles by Terry Rudnick.
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
The salmon season in MA2 is over. It is my guess when all is counted we will have caught approximately 60% of our quota. I would love to be able to say it was a good season but all in all it was probably the slowest one I have seen. Sport trollers easily caught 3 fish to 1 over moochers and if your were not fishing with Downriggers there were some long days with no fish.
Tuna and Bottom Fishing remain open and we are catching fish. We only have Tuna trips remaining on our schedule and on our last trip out we brought home a respectable amount of fish. We caught Tuna trolling Cedar plugs and Clones. Then live Anchovies finished them off.
So many things in the Ocean are off this year so, spend some time looking in water that is a little cooler than you might think. Most people are running 50 to 60 mile to find the right conditions but some are finding fish closer in. It seems like we are in an October mode of fishing already. Look for birds working and fish jumping.
Keep going and fishing because the alternative is to stay at home and prepare for winter.
Folks I do have to say that our Salmon runs are headed down a path to disaster and if we do not put pressure on the state and federal Government to start producing large numbers of fish again you and I will be showing our Grandkids pictures and telling them what is was like to catch a Salmon.
I am not a Doom and Gloom kinda guy but, I see the writing on the wall.
Cyndi and I only have a few more months in Westport before we head east for a permanent relocation to Florida. So, come see us and we are looking forward to the WDFW announcing Razor Clam season dates for the coast soon.

After a blisteringly awesome June and July, August has been somewhat up and down for Albacore. We’re seeing and catching fish just about everywhere we go looking with lots of bird life and small jumper schools as close as 35nm. There are fish stretched out as far as 65nm right now too. Most of the fish we’re catching are a really nice grade so that’s helping fill space. Word on the street is we should expect a good late season fishery with tuna upwards of 50lbs!!! One thing is for sure, we’ll be here to see that go down!
Marine Area 3 (LaPush and Forks)
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
- Karen Rhinehart with a fishy, headed for the BBQ.
- A little bigger, and a little brighter, Chinook are out there. Fingers crossed that more are headed this way.
- Crabs can sure round out a day for sure.
- Anyone who’s out and about around Friday Harbor on Saturday August 27th, stop by slip E-7 at the Port at 5 p.m., and bring any fish you caught that day. We’ll have a weigh in, and a “for fun” derby.
Marine Area 8.1
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reports “Excellent” prospects for pinks in Marine Area 8.1 during August.
Marine Area 8.2
The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) reports “Excellent” prospects for pinks in Marine Area 8.2 during August.
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
no report this week
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
There are some hatchery chinook being caught in MA 13 try trolling the Pt. Fosdick area, Green Pt. /Sand spit area, Chambers Bay and the Nisqually Delta area. Check your fish finder but productive depths have been from 40′ to 90′ depending on time of day and of course depth of water.
Make sure you carefully release any native Chinook and all Coho.
The crabbing catch has picked up recently in the usual areas but will close as of the 6th of Sept. For those who like to fish squid which is fun to do and they are very tasty we are seeing squid being caught off of the area docks.
Salmon Fishing has been closed in Area 11 until February 2017. Area 13 remains open until September 1 and is closed until October 1 at which time it reopens for Hatchery chinook only. The Pier is open until August 31 for salmon fishing and will remain open after that for bottom fishing; primarily flounder. Bottom fishing will remain open throughout the year. For a more updated report call 253-591-5325.
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. For more information call 253-591-5325.
Basic Fishing Classes are offered throughout the summer months. 2 Hour classes are $15.00 and can be designed for youth and adults. Boat House Tackle Shop open 7 days a week.
Boat lifts open at 5am tackle shop open 5:30am tackle shop close 8:30pm boat lifts 8:50 and facility 9:00pm. For more information call 253-591-5325 Call 253-591-5325 or visit us on Facebook “Point Defiance Marina.”
Puget Sound Anglers Gig Harbor Derby is this coming Saturday August 13, 2016. Check out the link.
Point Defiance Marina Fall Swap Meet
Tacoma, WA 98407
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Art Tachell, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13

(Terry Rudnick photo)
Chinook fishing has been pretty good in the Olympia area for the past week or two, and should remain a decent bet through the end of the month, when a September salmon-fishing closure goes into effect. Kenzie Midles fished with her uncle, Terry Rudnick, to catch her first-ever salmon from Dana Passage on August 22. The 18-pounder hit a cookies ‘n cream Kingfisher Lite spoon behind an 11-inch Pro-Troll flasher.
Report submitted by Terry Rudnick. Rudnick is the author of the seminal volume “Washington Fishing,” and co-author of the award-winning books “How to Catch Trophy Halibut” and “Washington Boating and Water Sports.” See all articles by Terry Rudnick.
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
As the lake is continuing to drop the perch minnows that hatched this spring are making their way out onto the main lake. This is bringing the feeding Largemouth bass and walleye along with them. Fishermen are fishing the area north of the state park and up the dunes face. Most are trolling worm harnesses with a bottom walker. It seems that the normal catch is 2 to 4 walleye. Largemouth are still good up in the dunes especially where you find birds feeding. Also Smallmouth bass have been good off the dam face. Catfish have been very pesky for most of us while fishing for Walleye with worm harnesses.
The docks at Mardon have been turning both Bluegill and Crappie. Remember the minimum size for Crappie is 9″ and the man has been there writing tickets. Below the dam Corral Lake has been good for Pumpkins Seeds and Largemouth. We have seen no problems with smoke as the Eastern Washington fires have been so far the area north and south of Spokane.
Report submitted by Tom Pollock.
British Columbia
no report this week
Vancouver Island (Saltwater)
no report this week
Alberni Inlet, Barkley Sound, and Ucuelet
no report this week
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was GOOD this past week and better than the week before. The action was greatest mid week and it tapered off on the weekend. Most of the springs have been in the mid to high teens and low twenties. The Trap Shack, Beechey Head and Aldridge Point were the most productive locations to fish. The coho fishing also picked up with anglers getting 8 – 12 lb hatchery fish and releasing wild fish up to 15 lbs. Those who targeted coho did quite well. Anglers using bait are finding anchovies in glow teaser heads have been working best. Spoons, such as the G-Force and Skinny G, in Bon Chovy or Outfitters’ colours were also effective. For flashers, the Betsey, Lemon Lime and Bon Chovi have been good.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. There were some fish caught, just not too many of them. Good trolling lures have been Coho Killers, Bon Chovi or Outfitters Skinny G spoons and. Anglers jigging have been using Needlefish Darts or Deep.
Halibut fishing was GOOD early this past week. However, most anglers that were fishing for halibut were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Also working well was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow. Also working well, and discouraging to dogfish, was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Salmon fishing was GOOD this past week. The best fishing was mid week and it did taper off towards the weekend. Most of the fish being caught are springs but some respectable hatchery coho were also caught, mostly by angers targeting the coho. The entrance of Pedder Bay was good as well as off the Bedfords and Church Rock. The largest chinook that we heard of was a 37 lb spring caught off Bentick Island. Coho were coming from both offshore and inshore. Anchovies were the top bait this past week. Good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Flashers that are popular include the Betsey, Lemon-Lime and Madi.
Pedder Bay Marina was the weigh in location for the Alpine Juan de Fuca Salmon Derby. There were lots of fish (we heard 170) weighed in on Saturday and the two day total was over 200 fish caught. Windy weather on Sunday kept most of the boats off the water but a few hardy souls did manage to get out. First place in the derby went to Brian Crossley with a 28.7 lb chinook. Second place went to Alan Woodrow with a 28.2 lb spring and third went to James Heggelund with a 26.7 lb fish. Largest halibut was a 51.3 lb fish caught by Gerrit Schoeman. Largest hatchery fish was a 20.7 lb spring caught by Al Teng. Teegan Harding was the top junior angler with a 13 lb spring and Jean Kennedy was the top lady angler with a 21.8 lb spring.
Halibut fishing was GOOD early this past weekend. The best areas were Race Rocks, William Head, 27 Fathom reef and Constance Bank. Anglers that were fishing were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use Mudraker, Lucky or 9” Jumbo Squids if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was VERY SLOW this past week. The Pender Bluffs produced a couple of springs up to 12-14 lbs. There were fish in the Sidney Spit area as well. Anglers using spoons found Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and AP Tackleworks needlefish spoons were successful. Anglers jigging have also been catching springs and are using Needlefish Darts and Deep Stingers. The Powder Wharf and Shag Rocks area are popular for jigging salmon.
Effective July 25, 2016 at 00:01 hours until October 14, 2016 at 23:59 hours, you may not retain Chinook salmon in the following waters: Subareas 18-6 to 18-8, 18-10.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was GOOD and better than last week. Sherringham Point, Muir Creek, Otter Point, Possession Point and Secretary Island all produced salmon. There were some big springs in the 20’s, lots of “teeners” and a lot of small ones too. The coho fishing also picked up and many of them were big. The hatchery fish were running from 8 – 12 lbs and the wild, unmarked coho were even bigger. Except for the weather on Sunday it was a good week to be fishing. Anchovies are now the top choice for bait and good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze.The top spoons for Sooke anglers are the White Lightening and Irish Cream Coho Killers. For flashers, you can’t go wrong with a Super Betsey, Madi or Bon Chovi Flasher. Hootchies in Cop Car, Purple haze and White have been effective in the past month.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fishing for salmon was GOOD. It really turned on Wednesday with just about every one landing springs. Thursday was also quite good but it did slow down by the weekend. There were some nice springs as large as 30 lbs caught but mostly “teenagers”. There were, however, a ton of” shakers” caught and released. These were juvenile chinooks. Anchovies have been a good bait to use (12 or 10 pack) and Bloody Nose, UV Green and Purple Haze have been the most popular colors for teaser heads. Spoons have been successful in getting hook ups as well. Green Spatter Back UV Coho Killers or 4” cop Car spoons trolling behind a Moon Jelly flasher has also brought results in Victoria.. Red/Glow Hot Spot flashers have also been good to use.
Halibut fishing was GOOD early this past week with the best areas Constance Bank, Border Bank and the Mud Hole. Anglers that were fishing were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Also working well, and discouraging to dogfish, was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Cowichan River
no report this week
Fishing is GOOD in most lakes for both trout and bass. All streams within Management Units 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, and 1-6, except the Big Qualicum River, the Puntledge River and the Quinsam River are closed to fishing until further notice.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Tillamook Bay
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife reports that spring Chinook are available in decent numbers, and angling is improving. Trolling herring or large bladed spinners are the most productive techniques. Keep your gear near the bottom while trolling slowly.
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan
How- East wind continues and fish are deep and still biting. Mostly a spoon bite on 200 to 300 copper. The big King Chinooks are active every trip. The action and location has been from 75-170 feet. It’s an all species bite and it may be the best time of the season for a trophy. Chinooks went for regular size Vulcan spoons in silver or green/silver. Many Chinooks over ten pounds this week most averaged 12-18 pounds. White or green Howie’s flies also working well run behind a white flasher. The big Chinooks are active 75-90 down on downriggers.
Lake Trout action picking up they were hitting the Chinook tackle.
Brown Trout action was down with little or no pressure.
Rainbow Trout were hitting Vulcan Dolphin Green and Silver spoons in the top 45 feet.
Speed – For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 75 degree water. The temp break to 57 is down 85 feet in 100 feet of water. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 2.0 to 2.2 has been best.
Where – I fished mostly out over 100 feet all week. East wind has pushed the warmer water in. Fish 75 to 170 feet. Near shore action on McKinley pier has been slow. Some Browns being caught on Vulcan spoons. We did not get out over 225 feet of water yesterday. Head 45 degrees north in Whitefish Bay and set lines in 75 feet. Troll northeast have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note We are offering an extra hour for $35 when added to a five hour fishing charter.
Report submitted by Jim at Blue Max Charters out of Milwaukee. He can be reached at 414-828-1094.