Fishing Reports for November 2
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
- See you out there December 1st!
- There were still a lot of Blackmouth around as October wound down. It could be good fishing when Chinook re opens December 1st.
- The Roche Harbor Salmon Classic is Sold Out! However, tickets are still available for the Friday Harbor Salmon Classic and Resurrection Derby.
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
“Head toward the end of the rainbow,” I said to myself as we fished the outgoing tide just off Possession head on the Opener. The fishing was fast and furious and it only took Kathy and I a couple of hours to get our huge limit of ONE FISH EACH.
We trolled plugs to stay away from any of the small blackout feeders. White Glow and Silver Horde Wonder Bread always seem to produce for us this time of year. Perhaps it is due to the many squid in the area. Trolling Speed : “Can’t go fast enough”
Best depth was 140 in 180 feet of water. Go find your end of the rainbow!
Marine Area 11
Pictured is Bill Combs who caught a 13 pound 13 ounce blackmouth salmon in Area 13 trolling 10 feet off the bottom with flasher and squid. He was the October Point Defiance Marina Derby winner followed by Boots Salitino and Blake Combs with salmon around 6 and a half pounds. The salmon fishing is closed in Area 11 until Feb. 1st, 2017; however MA13 is open for hatchery chinook and coho. Trolling flasher and spoons or artificial squid for immature chinook near Pt. Gibson, Green Pt. area or the mouth of Wollochet Bay can be productive. For Coho travel the shoreline when you find a school of Coho try casting Vibrax spinners or Buzz Bombs into the schools of Coho. Also trolling light weight and herring can be very good.
Squid fishing by boat and off the Pt. Defiance Pier has been good this week and should get better in November.
Crabbing is now closed until we hear if we will have a winter season starting January 1, 2017. For a more up to date report call 253-591-5325
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition, we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. For more information call 253-591-5325.
Basic Fishing Classes are offered throughout the year. 2 Hour classes are $15.00 and can be designed for youth and adults. Boat House Tackle Shop open 7 days a week.
Fall Fishing Class November 12, 2016 10 am to 12 noon (Age 15 +/ Adults) Cost $15
Learn fall fishing opportunities and how to catch fresh and saltwater fish.
Boat lifts open from 6 am to 6 pm. Tackle Shop hours are 6:30 am to 5:30 pm. For more information call 253-591-5325 Call 253-591-5325 or visit us on Facebook.
Squidding classes at Point Defiance Marina December 3, 2016 from 4-6 pm
Cost $15 Learn the regulations, locations to fish, equipment and tackle . Also care, cleaning and cooking
Call 253-591-5325 or
Pier Peer Tacoma Marine Education Program with Tacoma Nature Center and Point Defiance Marina
Saturday, November 19 from 7:30-9 pm Cost $8.00 (Must be age 8 + and each child must have an adult with them)
See and touch marine creatures brought up by local divers as well as participate in a lighted area dip net for smaller sea life to observe and release.
Great way for the family to see nighttime marine life on the Puget Sound
For more info call Anton & Sandra Jones of Darrell & Dad’s Family Guide Service;; or call (509)687-0709 or toll free at (866) 360-1523. The cover image of this week’s fishing reports, featuring Jeff with an Omak Lahontan caught with one of his drift rigs was also contributed by Jones.
Freshwater – Grays Harbor Rivers
Freshwater – Lake Sammamish
The bite continues to be good on Lake Sammamish for cutthroat trout. Small Needlefish spoons, Wiggle Hoochies, and wedding rings have all been producing fish. Tip the trailing hook with a small piece of worm or a Gulp Maggot for scent. You’ll find fish out near the mouth of Issaquah Creek and also down mid lake in deeper water.
I’m a big proponent of lead core line over a down rigger. Not just because I fish from a kayak but it’s one less thing to deal with. I’ve found it to be a pretty effective set up for trolling for all types of trout, salmon and even bass. Want to learn more? I’ll be teaching a seminar on lead core line tactics while fishing from a kayak this Saturday at the opening of Gig Harbor Water Sports. Stop on by at 1pm!
Report submitted by Brad Hole of Kayak Fishing Washington. (also, on Facebook)
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
I spent last week and thru Monday in Wenatchee to be with my wife Linda as she had a major back surgery. Now back at home I will be at her side as she still needs my help to do anything. All I see about is that the Potholes water level is coming up fast so that most successful Walleye fishing is vertical fishing blade baits over humps. The duck shooting is very spotty with the locals have become wise and the northern ducks are not here yet. Record rain falls like most of the state. The pass reports are clear sailing.
Report submitted by Tom Pollack.
British Columbia
no report this week
Vancouver Island (Saltwater)
no report this week
Alberni Inlet, Barkley Sound, and Ucuelet
no report this week
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. Most of the fish at the marina have been halibut. The coho fishinghas definitely slowed with only a few caught. Those who targeted coho were having their best success in water depths from 200-500 feet. As for chinooks, only small winter springs up to 5 lbs were caught this past week. Anglers using bait are finding anchovies in glow teaser heads have been working best. Also good are spoons, such as the G-Force and Skinny G, in Bon Chovy or Outfitters’ colours. For flashers, the Betsey, Lemon Lime and Green/Silver Hot Spot have been good.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Just returned from a couple of days fishing the Vedder River in Chilliwack, BC. If you have never been to Chilliwack it’s a small (but growing) town about an hour from Bellingham, just over the Canadian border. The Vedder’s fall fishing is at it’s peak right now with still a few big Springs (White Kings), Chum and Coho in the river. We arrived on Friday afternoon and hit the river after checking into our B&B. My girlfriend and I managed to catch a few hard fighting chum using “yarnies” (barbless hook with colored yarn resembling an egg sack) fished under a float. My first chum was a brute that decided to make a last minute run through my legs then shattering my Lamiglas rod. Good thing for a Cabela’s was a short drive away!
On Saturday we could noticeably tell that the river had dropped a bit and the water was clearing. I switched things up using a hammered brass 1.5″ Colorado Blade Spinner under a float. This, I was told is what Coho liked in clear water. I landed another four chum. No Coho. Many fisherman around me chose to case Vibrax or Blue Fox Spinners in a deep pool where fish were laying. I saw one fish landed but continue to see reports of people catching fish at different spots along the river. It’s all about timing I guess!
Want a change of scenery? Check out Chilliwack. You won’t be disappointed.
Report submitted by Brad Hole of Kayak Fishing Washington. (also, on Facebook) The cover image of this week’s fishing reports was also contributed by Hole.
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing was SLOW again this past week. There were some springs up to 5 lbs caught on the flats but not too many. Most of the springs are too small for retention. The coho haven’t been running strong in this area as well. Good trolling lures have been Coho Killers, Bon Chovi or Outfitters Skinny G spoons or AP Tackleworks needlefish spoons. Anglers jigging have been using Needlefish Darts, Point Wilson Darts or Deep Stingers.
Halibut fishing was GOOD this past week. 13 year old Faith Cameron caught a 71.8 lb halibut in Oak Bay. She was using a “sandwich” for bait. That is a piece of salmon herring and octopus on one hook. Most anglers that were fishing for halibut were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Also working well was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow. Also working well, and discouraging to dogfish, was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Salmon fishing was PICKING UP this past week. The coho fishing has slowed but is best out at water depths of 450 feet or more in the shipping lanes rather than in close. Most of the coho have been from 6 to 9 lbs. The best depths for coho were from 90 to 120 feet on the downrigger. Small spoons with green color have been the best lure to use. The chinook fishing has definitely picked up in Pedder Bay with lots of small feeder springs holding there. Hootchies and squirts with a green and glow color combination have been good plastic baits to use, especially with a 28” to 32” leader. Anchovies were still working this past week. Good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Flashers that are popular include the Betsey, Lemon-Lime and Madi.
Halibut fishing was GOOD this past week. The best areas were Race Rocks, William Head, 27 Fathom reef and Constance Bank. Anglers that were fishing were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Berkley Gulp and Powerbait soft plastics also work very well. You can also use Mudraker, Lucky or 9” Jumbo Squids if you want to stay away from the dogfish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was VERY SLOW this past week. However, the halibut fishing wasn’t too bad and we heard of 40 &35 lb halibut caught near D’Arcy Island. The Pender Bluffs produced very few coho and the occasional chum salmon. The coho were in 40 – 120 feet depths. We did hear of small winter (feeder) springs caught by the south end of James Island. Anglers using spoons found Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and AP Tackleworks needlefish spoons the most successful spoons this past year.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was SLOW for coho, even if you could find them. The coho have been found most often in 400 to 600 feet of water and at depths from 50 to 120 feet. The best bet is to fish the tide lines with spoons and plastics the most popular lure choices. The fishing for springs has improved but most of the fish are on the small size. Anchovies are still a good choice for bait and good choices for teaser head colors are UV Green, Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze.The top spoons for Sooke anglers have lots of green and glow/white has been working well. For flashers, you can’t go wrong with a Super Betsey, Madi or Bon Chovi Flasher. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze have been effective recently.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

Alicia Thiele caught her first halibut, weighing 40 lbs, with an estimated length of 44 inches, at Constance Bank.
Fishing for salmon was PICKING UP this past week. The best fishing has been out at Constance Bank where there are some feeder springs up to 7 lbs. However, most of the springs there are around the minimum size (45 cm) for retention or smaller. Very few coho are getting caught there. It was also better closer in on the waterfront. We’ve heard of springs to 7 lbs plus the odd coho and chum coming from the waterfront. Spoons have been very successful in getting hook ups but you have to check you line every 10 minutes for shakers. Green Spatter Back UV Coho Killers, 3.5” Cop Car spoons or AP Tackleworks needlefish spoons have brought good results at Constance Bank.
Halibut fishing was GOOD this past week with the best areas being Constance Bank, Border Bank and the Mud Hole. Alicia Thiele caught her first halibut, weighing 40 lbs, with an estimated length of 44 inches, at Constance Bank. She used ProCure Butt Juice and brined her herrings before catching this “beast” in 260 ft of depth. Anglers that were fishing were using extra large herring, salmon bellies and/or octopus for bait. Also working well, and discouraging to dogfish, was the 9” Jumbo Squid in Green Glow.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fishing is GOOD in most lakes for both trout and FAIR for bass. Strong chinook and chum returns to the Cowichan River, combined with high water levels and improving coho observations are being seen in the Cowichan River. Effective November 1 until December 31, 2016 the daily limit of coho is one (1) per day (hatchery or wild) and the daily limit of chum is two (2) per day in the lower portion of the Cowichan River downstream from Mile 66 Trestle Bridge to the Highway No. 1 Bridge (Silver Bridge).
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Tillamook Bay
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) reports that fishing on the bay is fair. Fall Chinook are being caught throughout the bay. Success rates are varying greatly from day to day but there are definitely some fish around. There are also decent reports of hatchery coho being caught. ODFW conducted creel interviews at Memaloose on the upper bay last Friday and saw a harvest rate of 0.2 fish per rod for Chinook. Anglers are reminded that there is no retention of wild coho in the bay this year, so all coho kept must be adipose fin clipped.
Due to a wetland restoration project between the tidewaters of the Trask and Wilson Rivers, public access to the Wilson River tidewater from the end of Goodspeed road, and to the Hospital Hole on Trask tidewater, are currently unavailable.
Great Lakes
Lake Michigan
no report this week