Fishing Reports for July 26
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week
Marine Area 3 (LaPush and Forks)
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
Chinook fishing has slowed considerably in Marine Area 7. The first few pushes of fish have moved through. Now it’s a wait for another wave of Kings to move in. The limit has dropped to one Chinook per day(still clipped), but the fin restriction comes off August 1st. Hopefully just when some large unclipped come through. Crabbing has been pretty good in the right locations. We’ve got some flatter tides coming up next weekend. Time for a Dungie feed!
Submitted by Kevin Klein, Team Parker Boats NW.
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)

Mike Kelly with a beautiful 20 plus pound fin clipped Chinook caught off the west side of Marrowstone Island. Fishing in 140 ft of water, 10 ft off the bottom with a Coho Killer.
Crabbing is extremely slow, as is salmon fishing for Chinook in Area 9. Through knowledge, skill, perseverance and most of all a little luck, a few nice salmon are being caught.
Salmon University staff
Pretty steady catching in Area 9 these days. Great sunny skies and little wind offered anglers plenty of time to get out on the salt. Nice catches reported around Skunk Bay in the 100-140 foot depths. The bait is small so the coho-killers seem to be producing the best. Make sure to check those tummy’s and match the hatch to the feed in the area that you are fishing.
Don’t forget the sunscreen!
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
The resident Coho fishing is a good opportunity right now to get some fresh salmon and lots of fun use some light gear and fish close to shore where you will see lots of small bait fish and troll 1/2oz. and a small plug cut herring or strip of herring there are lots of them around, some good spots are the Browns Pt. area, Pt. Dalco to the Girl Scout Camp. And in the narrows, work the kelp line.
The Chinook fishing has improved and we have seen a couple of limits this morning best area has been the Owen Beach to Shelf area in about 120’ to 150’ of water near bottom however some have been suspended also the Gig Harbor shoreline should be getting better any day.
Dungeness crabbing has been slow but there has been some legal crab being caught in deeper waters and there is still plenty of Red Rock crab to be had.
For an updated report call (253)591-5325.
Crabbing is open in Area 11 and 13 For a more up to date report call 253-591-5325
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition, we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. For more information call 253-591-5325
Summer Camps Available Sails and Trails Camp for Ages 11-15. Monday-Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Cost $260/wk. Participants spend the week fishing and educational trail hikes at Point Defiance and Sailing and Kayaking at Tacoma Youth Marine Center. Also one day is spend at Foss Seaport Center with hands on marine science. July 10-14, July 17 21, July 24-28, July 31-Aug 4.
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Art Tachell, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12
no report this week
Freshwater – Lake Chelan
no report this week
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
no report this week
British Columbia
We have seen another week of windier weather but the Gulf Islands has fished well when we were able to cross the strait. This fishery will be a good bet for another month for chinook in the 10-25 pound range. It is quite unique as we are fishing structure and very deep, often 250+ ft.
Things have started to pick up locally off of the West Vancouver shoreline as is typical for this time of year. It seems like there are quite a few undersized fish hanging around which is a great sign of things to come. We have caught our first pink salmon of the year! It seems like there are a few schools around and we should see them consistently over the next 2 months. This is a great time of year to get out with the family and enjoy some time on the water with some good action. Give us a call or email us to get you on the water. Tight Lines!
For more info call Jeff or Jason at Bon Chovy Fishing Charters (604) 763-5460, email: The cover image of this week’s report was also contributed by Bon Chovy.
Alberni Inlet, Barkley Sound, and Ucluelet

On Saturday July 22nd, Shing Kwok, Stanley Kwok and Greg Botten went out fishing at Becher Bay and caught two nice springs weighing 20 & 10 lbs.
Salmon fishing was FAIR this past week when it wasn’t blowing too hard. It was better during the week than on the weekend. There have been springs coming in from Aldridge Point to the Trap Shack. Besides springs into the teens, some pinks have also been showing up. On Saturday July 22nd, Shing Kwok, Stanley Kwok and Greg Botten went out fishing at Becher Bay and caught two nice springs weighing 20 & 10 lbs. The best depths to fish have been from 40 to 70 feet. Anchovies are now the most popular bait. Good teaser heads have been the Bloody Nose and Mint Pearl. Trolling Skinny G spoons on a 36” leader has been working great. The best color combinations being Nickel/Blue, Nickel/Gold and Bananas. For flashers, the Homeland Security and Raspberry Jelly have been working well. Anglers casting of the rocks are also getting into some nice fish.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

A 19 3/4 lb chinook caught by Greg Kutyn rests in the fish tub
Pedder Bay Marina reports GOOD salmon fishing. The bay was fishing well again this week, and it was out of the wind as well. A 30+ lb hatchery spring was caught one morning inside the bay at 30 feet, close to the kelp beds and was the largest fish of the week. The most productive area for trollers has been near the can buoy at the mouth of the bay. Trollers are doing best trolling from 45 – 70 feet on the downrigger and/or just off the bottom. The area from Church Rock to the Bedfords has started to pick up as well. Jiggers were doing better than the trollers and have been fishing near the Race. Most springs have been running from 8 – 15 lbs. Anchovies are now the most popular bait for trollers. Good teaser heads have been the Bloody Nose and Mint Pearl. Spoons are also producing well, especially the smaller ones around 3.5”. Needlefish spoons worked the best with Skinny G’s, Left Coast Hammers, AP Tackleworks needlefish and Coho Killers the ones to use. Hootchies and squirts with a green and glow, or UV white have been popular color choices this week. Flashers that are popular include the Madi, Bon Chovy and Betsey.
The Take A Kid Fishing Festival is next weekend. They are still looking for volunteers and boat captains.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was MUCH SLOWER in the Sidney area than last week. There have been a few fish coming from Coal Island and Hambley Point. We did hear that it has picked up off Pender Island so maybe the fish may have moved north. Anglers using spoons found Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and AP Tackleworks needlefish spoons the most productive spoons this past week. Suggested colours are Trap Shack and Bon Chovy. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good producers of fish with teaser heads in UV Purple.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was FAIR over the last week. Secretary Island to Otter Point has been good for to springs ranging from 8 – 25 lbs. Some pink salmon were also caught but not as many as last week. Although the pinks aren’t numerous, those being caught were as large as 9 lbs. Most anglers are fishing for springs are using bait with anchovies being the most popular choice. Good choices for teaser head colors Red, Tiger Prawn, Glow chartreuse Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. For flashers, the Delta Homeland Security and Red/Silver Hot Spot have been working well. Hootchies in all White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze have been effective recently as well. Spoons have also been catching salmon and Coho Killers and Skinny G’s have been good. The pink fishing has also been picking up and they are being caught both inshore and offshore.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fishing for salmon was SPOTTY off Victoria this past week when the wind didn’t keep you off the water. The most productive area again was Constance Bank before the currents became too strong. The area from Albert Head to Trial Island has been spotty although Clover Point produced some fish on the weekend. The largest salmon caught near Clover Point was a 19¾ lb spring caught by Greg Kutyn. The Pro Pat Legion Derby was held on Sunday. Only one was fish entered; a 15 lb 4 oz white chinook caught by Wayne Zaccarelli. Most boats fishing the waterfront came up empty. Some pink salmon are also starting to be caught offshore. Spoons have been very successful in getting hook ups, Nickel/Blue Skinny G’s and Blue/Silver Coyotes, Coho Killers, 3.5” Cop Car spoons have brought some hookups.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lakes and Rivers
The Cowichan River’s water level is at summer levels, just under 0.4 meters. Lots of people are now using float tubes to drift down the river during the day, so that can put the trout down. Fishing for trout in the fly only area has been GOOD at dawn and dusk. Fish a Dry Fly in the early morning and later in the evening or fish a Nymph in the faster water. Both have been working well.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lake Michigan
Mixed bag all week. Hot and cold action this past week has lead to inconsistent catches. We still had lots of fun. Chinooks and Coho numbers were down the last two days with Lake Trout picking up the slack. We have good days and difficult days. Chinooks went for Magnum Reaper Peacock spoons in blue/silver. White or green Howie’s flies also working well run behind a white flasher. The big Chinooks are a guess however we had some excellent days fishing them in the warm water with spoons or flies. Downriggers on the bottom with size 0 dodgers and Spin n Glows are taking the Lakers. Reapers and Vulcans have been working for us. The small silver Vulcan in green or blue has also been good on the lead cores for exciting Rainbows. I hope this helps. Slide Diver are producing with #3 silver J plugs set at 2 with small ring. Run them 70 feet of line out 70 behind the diver .
Lake Trout action was some what improved all week on magnum spoons on the bottom.
Brown Trout action was just ok on 2 color lead core with small spoons. One here and there.
Rainbow Trout were hitting Vulcan Dolphin Green and Silver spoons in the top 40 feet.
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 68 degree water. The temp break to 53 is down 100 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 2.0 to 2.2 has been best. The faster speed triggered the Chinook action.
I fished anywhere from 70 to out over 150 feet. Follow the temperatures and fish the zone. Near shore action on McKinley pier has been very slow with only a few Browns being caught. Head north in Whitefish Bay and set lines in 80 feet. Troll north east have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note We are offering an extra hour for $35 when added to a five hour fishing charter. Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at Copyright© 2017, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.
Report submitted by Jim Hirt at Blue Max Chaters (414-828-1094)