Fishing Reports for April 25
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
no report this week
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
The BANKS ! There is still some great fishing on the banks as they are continuing to hold a LOT of BIG BAIT. South Eastern Bank put out a freight train piggy for Kurt on his Riviera JUJU over the weekend. The bait balls seems to be suspended 25 -35 feet off the bottom in 140-180 feet of water. Tailwagger Irish Crème Spoons and long 50-60 inch leaders are doing well .
Not much time left until the closure, so go find your family dinner! See you on the water !
Report submitted by Nelson “Spud” Goodsell – Salmon for Soldiers, IGFA Life Member, FISHTALE2. The cover image of this week’s reports was also provided by Goodsell.
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
The salmon fishing is fair right now with mostly immature chinook ranging from 4lbs to about 9lbs although there has been a couple of larger spring chinook in the upper teens landed but released carefully, remember to look for the intact adipose fin that indicates a unclipped chinook and must be released outside the boat.
The salmon are being caught on a variety of gear from mooching with herring, jigging with salmon jigs to trolling flasher and artificial squid, spoons and salmon plugs by themselves best depths have been in 130’ to 160’ of water and about 10’ off of bottom.
Ling cod season starts 5/1/18 and runs through 6/15/18.
Stay safe on the water and good luck fishing.
Call for a more updated report at (253)404-3960.
Basic Fishing Classes -Adults (Ages 15+) May 26, 2018 from 10 am to 12 pm. Learn local freshwater and saltwater skills, regulations, and safety. Cost $15.
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Gene Anderson, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12
no report this week
Freshwater – Lake Chelan

Steve Johnson of Stanwood, WA with his 17#11oz Lake Chelan Mackinaw
What’s hot is fishing for Kokanee fishing in the lower basin of Lake Chelan. An added bonus is the occasional Lake Chelan Chinook. Additionally, Roses Lake is hot for upsized planter trout.

John Sheets of Meridian Idaho with his Lake Chelan Chinook
We are continuing to have great success fishing for Chelan’s Kokanee. Fishing 60 feet deep in the lower basin with Mack’s Lure wedding rings and mini squid rigs baited with corn scented with Pro Cure’s Bloody Tuna have gotten these delicious Landlocked Sockeye to bite. Pautzke’s Fire Corn has also been productive when baiting these rigs. Landlocked Chinook have shown up in the catch with either Kokanee or Mackinaw gear. What a bonus!
Roses Lake has been hot for trout planted last fall. The normal winter harvest of these fish was down because of marginal ice conditions. This spring easy limits are the rule with Pautzke Fire Bait.
Your fishing tip of the week is to remember to check your gear periodically when trolling. Towing around lures that are fouled up with weeds and sticks is a waste of that valuable angling time.

Sharon and Mick Larkin of Medina who are friends of the Sorenson’s of Blueberry Hill fame with their catch of Lake Chelan Kokanee
The kid’s tip of the week is to get them ready for life by allowing them to struggle some. After telling a kid how to play a big fish, sometimes you have let them lose a few before they connect the directions with their actions. While we always want to see our grandkids and kids succeed, bumps in the road make us pay attention more and improve our technique to better prepare for what comes later in life. And that is not just about fishing.
Your safety tip of the week is to watch out for the recently submerged log just off the Manson Bay Launch. Also be careful to not let the boat run away from you. It is a steeper launch than the closed Mill Bay launch.
For more info call Anton & Sandra Jones of Darrell & Dad’s Family Guide Service;; or call (509)687-0709 or toll free at (866)360-1523.
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
no report this week
British Columbia
no report this week
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was FAIR this past week. Most of the fish were caught near the Bedford islands and Whirl Bay. The fish have not been too large this past week with the larger ones topping out in the low teens. Anglers are fishing close to the bottom in 100 to 140 depths. The majority of anglers are using spoons with Coho Killers, Gibbs Skinny G’s in green/glow and green/silver colors the favorites. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters, Madi, Lemon Lime and Red/Glow Hot Spot flashers have been working well. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay

Laura Harris with her big salmon
Salmon fishing is FAIR in Oak Bay. There are salmon coming in from the Flats but not lots of them. It was slow around the Gap. Most of the salmon have been on the small side, but some nicer ones to 18 lbs were caught on Sunday. Martha George landed an 18 lb hatchery spring on the Flats and is now in second place on our Leader Board. She was using an AP Tackleworks “Chatham” Sandlance spoon. The salmon are feeding on needle fish and close to the bottom where the feed is located. Most of the anglers have been either bottom bouncing squirts and spoons or jigging close to the bottom. Best bets for Oak Bay trolling lures are Wee Gs, Coho Killers and AP Tackleworks spoons. Squirts will also work with Jelly fish and Electric Chairs good bets. Jiggers are doing best with Deep Stingers and Point Wilson darts.
Fishing was FAIR for halibut on Sunday. Border Bank was where most of the halibut were caught.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Pedder Bay Marina reports FAIR salmon fishing. The majority of the salmon have been from 3 to 6 lbs in size but some larger ones up to 14 lbs were caught. It’s picked up at Whirl Bay but was slower inside Pedder Bay. Most of the fish have been caught close to the bottom in 80 to 140 feet of water. Squirts were the hot lures again this past week with a green and glow, Purple Haze or UV white good color choices. Spoons have been producing the best and the Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, AP Tackleworks and Coho Killers are the top choices. Green with either silver or glow has been the color choice in spoons. Flashers that are popular include the Guide Series Madi, Outfitters and Lemon Lime.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past Sunday. East Race and William Head were the most productive spots.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was FAIR in the Sidney area. That said, the largest spring salmon of the week on the south Island came from Sidney waters. Laura Harris caught a 21 lb spring near Saanichton. Laura was using Tiny Strip in a glow white teaser head. There were springs being caught near Pender Island at the 120 foot contour. It was fairly slow around Coal Island. Anglers using spoons found that APT Sandlance spoons, Coho Killers and Gibbs and Needle G spoons the most productive this past week. Suggested colours are Kitchen Sink and Irish Cream. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good producers of fish with teaser heads in Glow or UV Purple.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was GOOD on Sunday. Most of the fish are from 3 to 8 lbs in size with the occasional larger one to 18 lbs. The winter springs were spread out throughout the Sooke area. Most of the salmon are close to the bottom in 100 – 140 feet of water but there are some at mid water depths. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and 3.5″ G Force spoons have been good. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. Anchovies are still the most popular choice for those fishing bait. Good choices for teaser head colors are Army Truck, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. For flashers, Red/Glow Hot Spots, the Delta Guide Series UV Moon Jelly, Madi and the Lemon Lime Chartreuse are popular. There were a few halibut caught this past weekend.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

Martha George with her catch!
Fishing for salmon was GOOD off Constance Bank this past week when the winds weren’t too blustery. Most of the fish are still small, from 3 to 6 lbs in size, but some larger hatchery springs into the high teens have been caught off the waterfront. In closer, there were springs from Brotchie Ledge to Trial Island, just not too many. The best depths to fish were 90-140 feet but we’ve heard of some larger fish being caught at mid-water depths. Spoons have been successful in getting hook ups with Irish Cream Skinny G’s, Green/Glow AP Tackleworks Anchovy 4” spoons and Green/Glow Coyote spoons popular choices. Most of the boats out fishing were not after salmon this past weekend as the emphasis was on halibut.
Fishing was GOOD for halibut this past Sunday. Constance Bank, the Mud Hole and Albert Head produced a few in the derby.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lakes and Rivers
Fishing was PICKING UP in most lakes for trout and bass and SLOWING DOWN in the rivers for steelhead. There is increasing anticipation of this coming Saturday’s Elk Lake trout and bass derby.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lake Michigan
no report this week