Fishing Reports for August 15
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
Salmon fishing has been pretty slow in the Islands. Lots of Sockeye around but not many Chinook. However, with a little shot of rain, that could change any day.
Submitted by Kevin Klein, Team Parker Boats NW. The cover image of this week’s fishing reports was also contributed by Klein. It shows Erol Turanciol with one of the first Fraser Springs to show in the Islands.
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
The kings are getting bigger and so is the bait. We have switched to Ace Hi Flies. This weekend we were able to take my sister and husband Rob from Wisconsin out. Rob fishes Silver Horde gear on Lake Michigan and was able to mark his card in the Juans in no time.
We will be moving back to Area 9 at the end of the month to start targeting the Silvers. Time to speed up the Fishtale 2 near the Possession Bar rips.
Report submitted Nelson “Spud” Goodsell – Salmon for Soldiers, IGFA Life Member, FISHTALE2. The cover image of this week’s report was also contributed by Goodsell.
Bush Point, Point No Point and Mid-Channel Bank are showing increased catches of Coho. Remember your Coho must be fin-clipped. Best times to fish Coho is from 5:00 am to about 9:00 am and in the evening from 5:00 until dusk. Early in the morning and late in the evening fish the top 35 to 45 feet and as the sun rises, go deeper. In the evening, start deep and come to the top as the sun starts to sink. Silver Horde Ace Hi Flies and Spoons behind a Pro-Troll Flasher has had excellent results.
Salmon U staff
Marine Area 10
Salmon fishing continues to be good in Area 10. The quota for fin-clipped Chinook will probably be reached by the end of this weekend. Coho continue to be caught and the size is getting better every day. While most Coho are still in the 3-6 lb range, some in the 10-12 lb range are showing up in the catches. The Coho fishing will pick up with better size fish between now and the middle of September. The Silver Horde Tailwagger spoon in green glo or UV colors is doing very well in Area 10 for both Chinook and Coho.
Salmon U staff
Marine Area 11
The salmon fishing slowed quite a bit this last weekend but seems to be starting to pick up again as of last night with some decent chinook being caught mostly trolling flasher and artificial squid from 50’ to 120’ at the Slag area, Clay Bank area and Gig Harbor.
There are also some Coho around as well to round out your salmon limit.
PSA Gig Harbor Salmon Derby was August 11, 2018. 65 fish were checked that day.
- 1st Place J Lester 15.63 pounds
- 2nd Place J Postma 14.72 pounds
- 3rd Place J. Webster 14.55 pounds
- 4th Place L Bell 14.55 pounds
Top Salmon
- K Kelly 12.41 pounds
- T Gore 8.77 pounds
- E Kinard 8.28 pounds
- E Tague 6.63 pounds
For an updated report call (253)404-3960.
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition, we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. We have many items for those seeking gifts as well as gift cards. For more information call 253-404-3960.
Hours are 5 am to 9 pm 7 days a week currently.
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Gene Anderson, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12
no report this week
Freshwater – Lake Chelan
no report this week
Freshwater – Potholes Reservoir
no report this week
British Columbia
no report this week
Barkley Sound and Port Alberni
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was FAIR in East Sooke and you had to work hard to find the springs. Sockeyes have started showing up and many anglers have caught them. The hot spot for springs this past week were from Aldridge Point to the Trap Shack. The best depths to fish have been between 40 to 60 feet. There have been good bites late in the day and very early in the morning. Some sockeye action has also been happening off Beechey Head. The best sockeye fishing this past weekend was close to shore and in shallow depths very early in the morning. Anchovies are the bait of choice for springs. Good choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. Anglers are using spoons with Coho Killers and Gibbs Skinny G’s in green/glow and green/silver colors the favorites. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters, the Betsey, and Gold Fever Hot Spot flashers have been working well. Needlefish hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing was SPOTTY in Oak Bay. That said, the last 4 days of the week were very quiet. The Flats was producing the best in the afternoon on the end of the flood tide. The salmon are feeding on needle fish and small squid, close to the bottom. Most of the anglers have been either bottom bouncing squirts and spoons or jigging close to the bottom. Best bets for Oak Bay trolling lures are Wee Gs and Skinny Gs, Coho Killers and AP Tackleworks Sandlance spoons. Squirts will also work with Jelly fish and Electric Chairs good bets. Jiggers are doing best with Deep Stingers and Point Wilson darts. One angler picked up 2 sockeyes on the flats Sunday while trolling Coho Killers for springs.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay

Gerry Vervoort with his 21 lb 12 oz derby winner!
Pedder Bay Marina reports GOOD salmon fishing during the week in the Pedder Bay and near church Rock. Most of the action has been late in the afternoon or evening on the flood tide. There is lots of bait in the bay and there have been a lot of springs as well, ranging from just legal upwards to 22 lbs. Best trolling depths have been 20- 40 ‘and 70-85 ‘. Anglers jigging have been consistently catching springs. GIBBS 4 oz to 8 oz anchovy jigs have been the best jigs to use here. Most anglers are using teaser head colors Mint Pearl, Chartreuse and Bloody Nose. Squirts were good lures as well with green and glow, Purple Haze or UV white good color choices. Spoons have been producing well and the Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, AP Tackleworks and Coho Killers are the top choices. Green with either silver or glow has been the color choice in spoons. Flashers that are popular include the Guide Series Madi, Outfitters and Lemon Lime. Good choices for teaser head colors are Bloody Nose, Chartreuse and Purple Haze.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was SPOTTY in the Sidney area, especially with all the closures now in effect. Hamley Point has been the best spot recently, especially in the evening. Salmon up to 12 lbs have been caught this past week. Anglers jigging have been having some success off the north end of Sidney Spit in 70-80 feet of water. Anglers using spoons found that Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and Wee G spoons and AP Sandlance spoons productive this past week. Suggested colours are Herring Aid and Irish Cream. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good in Glow or UV Purple teaser heads.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The salmon fishing was SPOTTY TO GOOD this past week. Sockeyes have started showing up and many anglers have been getting limits. The best sockeye fishing this past weekend was close to shore and in shallow depths very early in the morning. The area from the Sooke Bluffs to the Otter Point closed area was producing most of the action for springs. Good choices for teaser head colors are Peanut Butter, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and 4″ Coyote spoons have been good too. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. For flashers, Red/Glow Hot Spots, the Delta Guide Series UV Moon Jelly, Madi and the Super Betsy are popular.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;

Dave Bury with 18 & 16 1/2 lb chinooks caught jigging with a Delta Mac Fish
Fishing for salmon was FAIR off Constance Bank this past week. Anglers were catching springs into the teens as well as smaller feeder springs during the periods of slower currents. In closer, it’s been SPOTTY for anglers trolling the Harbour area. There were some springs but not lots of them. The Clover Point Anglers’ Association held their 24th Annual Salmon Derby on the weekend. The winner was Gerry Vervoort with a 21 lb 12 oz chinook caught off Clover point on anchovy. Second place went to Dave Bury for an 18 lb chinook caught off Harling Point on a Delta Mac Fish. Third place went to Tom Vaida for a 13 lb 14 oz chinook caught on anchovy. Anchovies have been the most productive bait this past week and the Bloody Nose teaser has been working well. Spoons that have been successful in getting hook ups are Irish Cream Skinny G’s and Green/Glow, AP Tackleworks 3” Neon Army Truck Herring spoons and Green/Glow Coyote spoons. Sockeyes have not shown up in good numbers but there were some off shore during the weekend.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Lakes and Rivers
Fishing was FAIR in most lakes for trout and REALLY GOOD for bass.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Tillamook Bay
no report this week
Willamette River
no report this week
Great Lakes
How: I will leave this tip in my report because it is the answer to producing fish the last two weeks!
Lots of marks only a few are interested. Whatever your favorite bait you must fish the bottom. Pounding the bottom is the answer to putting fish in the cooler. This is not easy with the strong current we have had as of late. The worst scenario is when the current and wind are cross path. The best presentation is with or against the current. When you set up align your tackle with the current. Lower you deepest lines until they bump the bottom and keep adjusting to keep them there. Your focus should be on presentation. This may be more effort than some anglers want to expend.
The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentation on 300 copper or downriggers 100 down to the bottom. A mixed bag of Rainbows, Chinook and Lake Trout made up the catch. The big Chinooks were missing yesterday but I would look for them at the temp break at first light 55 down. Chinook are coming on flies and on magnum size spoons.
Lake Trout today were on 0 dodgers and spin n glows at or near the bottom and 8inch flashers with flies.
No Browns were caught last week.
Rainbows are far and few in between. When we did catch them they went for the flasher flies
Speed: For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 70 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 55 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 1.7 to 2.0 has been best.
Where: Fish are in the colder water out over 80 feet. We fished north and south in 80 to 150 feet. We did not get out over 120 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. I have openings to join a group this week. Call for dates!
Jim Hirt charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at