Fishing Reports for December 19
Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week
no report this week
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
no report this week
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
The immature Chinook fishing was good in front of the marina in 160-180 feet of water and towards the Clay Banks as well as off the Slag Pile; Slowed some over the weekend.
High winds had an impact on number of boats out fishing on and off this past week.
Most squid action at Redondo, Des Moines, and Dash Point but a few at Point Defiance. For a more updated report call (253)404-3960.
There is no crabbing in MA 11 or 13.
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition, we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. We have many items for those seeking gifts as well as gift cards. For more information call 253-404-3960.
Plunge into 2019 at the coolest event of the year …
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Gene Anderson, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12
no report this week
Several lakes in north-central and north-east Washington are safe. While ice conditions are likely to degrade over the next week temperatures are set to dip again around Christmas and should firm up ice conditions by the new year. Bonaparte Lake has 7″ of good ice and offers excellent Brook, Rainbow, and Tiger Trout ice fishing. The chain lakes on the Colville-Tiger Road near Colville all have 5-7″ of ice with slush on top and hold Brook Trout, Yellow Perch, and Rainbow Trout as well as a variety of other species. Molson Lake in the Chesaw had 4″ of ice but may become unsafe until colder temps return but has excellent trout fishing. Many lakes typically safe to fish by now remain unsafe or uncapped such as Fish, Leader, and Curlew Lakes.
Report submitted by Tyler Hicks, Cascadia Kayak Angler, North 40 Outfitters – Fishing,, 509-422-9840.
British Columbia
no report this week
Barkley Sound, Port Alberni, and Ucluelet
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was GOOD near Becher Bay. The best fishing has been off of the Bedford Islands and towards Church Rock. There have been springs inside of the bay between Cheanuh Marina and Frazer Island. The best depths to fish for springs have been between 120 to 140 feet on the downrigger or at 90 feet in shallower waters. The fish have not been too picky about what they will strike either. Anglers are mostly using spoons and plastics for lures. Good spoons have been Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and Coyotes with glow on them. Needlefish hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. Anchovies still work and effective choices for teaser head are Chartreuse, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters, the Betsey, and Gold Fever Hot Spot flashers have been working well.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Strong southeast winds made it impossible for fishing in Oak Bay. Anglers had been reporting a few springs up to 6 lbs on the Flats in 100-140 feet of water the previous week. Trollers had been catching fish trolling small spoons; Coho killers, Wee G’s and AP Sandlance spoons. Most of the anglers have been bottom bouncing squirts and spoons or jigging close to the bottom. Best bets for Oak Bay trolling lures are Wee Gs, Skinny Gs, Coho Killers and AP Tackleworks Sandlance spoons. Squirts will also work with Jelly fish and Electric Chairs good bets. Jiggers are using Deep Stingers and Point Wilson Darts.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Pedder Bay Marina reports GOOD salmon fishing. The fishing has been best in Whirl Bay and near Church Rock. The springs have been deep, around the 200 ft depth, and not too choosy about what lures they want. Inside Pedder Bay, some fish are being caught but not as many. The springs have been up to 6 lbs in size and quick limits were reported.. Spoons have been the most popular lures, with the 4” Silver Horde UV herring Aid the “hot” lure. Coyote spoons have also worked well as the fish are targeting herring and not needlefish. Hootchies and squirts are still working with green and glow, Purple Haze or UV white good color choices. Flashers that are popular include the Guide Series Madi, Outfitters and Lemon Lime. Good choices for teaser head colors are Bloody Nose, Chartreuse and Purple Haze.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was SLOW in the Sidney area. The Sidney channel and James island Powder Wharf areas have held winter springs, but they have mostly been just under the size required for retention. We did hear of one salmon about 8 lbs in size caught near the Red Can. We haven’t heard of any legal fish coming from Coal Island to Pender Island, just small ones. Suggested spoons are Coho Killers, Gibbs Needle G and Wee G spoons and AP Sandlance spoons. Suggested colours are Green/glow and blue/glow. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good in Glow or UV Purple teaser heads.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969; The cover image of this week’s reports was also contributed by Island Outfitters. It shows Peter Sherk.
Salmon fishing was GOOD. All the effort now is on winter (feeder) springs. Most anglers have been fishing from just outside the harbour entrance to the Bluffs. The fish have been down near the bottom in 120-150 feet. Rollie Rose got a 14 lb winter spring near the Trailer Park. That’s the biggest fish that we know of caught anywhere this past week. Anchovies and small herring always work for winter springs and good choices for anchovy teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and 4″ Coyote spoons have been good for coho. Green and glow have been the hot colors for coho spoons. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. For flashers, the Delta Guide Series UV Moon Jelly, Lemon Lime, Madi and the Super Betsey are popular.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Bad weather and strong winds limited access to the fishing grounds this past week. Fishing for winter springs had GOOD off Constance Bank in previous weeks. Anglers there were catching lots of feeder springs while trolling close to the bottom, but most have been small in size with a 5 lb fish a good one. Spoons are working well with Skinny G’s and Coho Killers in Irish Cream, Brass/Silver and glow white good choices. In closer, it’s was FAIR for anglers trolling from Esquimalt to Clover Point. Most of the few fish caught off the waterfront this past week have been from 3 to 6 lbs in size and were deep, at least 140-150 feet. Spoons that have been the most popular lures and Skinny G’s, Coho Killer, AP Tackleworks and Coyote spoons have all worked well.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Lakes and Rivers
Fishing was SLOW in most lakes for trout and bass.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Tillamook Bay
no report this week
Willamette River
no report this week
Great Lakes
no report this week