Fishing Reports for April 24

Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
The all-depth halibut fishery will be open May 2, 5, 9, 12, 24 and 26 as long as there is sufficient quota. If quota remains after May 26, the Columbia River subarea would be open two days per week, Thursday and Sunday, until the remaining quota is achieved. The nearshore area opens to fishing May 6 on a Monday-through-Wednesday schedule. Coordinates for the nearshore fishery are available online at the WDFW website. The all depth-fishery will be managed to 14,627 pounds; the nearshore quota is 500 pounds.
Because halibut fisheries are managed to a quota, anglers should check the WDFW website to ensure a specific area is open prior to fishing.
Information about descending devices can be found on WDFW’s webpage.
SU Staff
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
The all-depth halibut fishery will be open May 2, 5, 9, 12, and 24 as long as there is sufficient quota. If sufficient quota remains, the northern nearshore area will open on the Saturday after the all-depth fishery closes and will continue seven days per week until the overall quota is taken. Coordinates for the nearshore fishery are available online at the WDFW website. This area will be managed to an overall quota of 62,896 pounds.
Because halibut fisheries are managed to a quota, anglers should check the WDFW website to ensure a specific area is open prior to fishing.
Information about descending devices can be found on WDFW’s webpage.
SU Staff
Marine areas 3 will open May 2, 4, 9, 11, 18, 24, 26, June 6, 8, 20, and 22, as long as there is sufficient quota. The combined quota for MA3 and MA4 is 128,187 pounds.
Because halibut fisheries are managed to a quota, anglers should check the WDFW website to ensure a specific area is open prior to fishing.
Information about descending devices can be found on WDFW’s webpage.
SU Staff
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
Marine areas 4 will open May 2, 4, 9, 11, 18, 24, 26, June 6, 8, 20, and 22, as long as there is sufficient quota. The combined quota for MA3 and MA4 is 128,187 pounds.
Because halibut fisheries are managed to a quota, anglers should check the WDFW website to ensure a specific area is open prior to fishing.
Information about descending devices can be found on WDFW’s webpage.
SU Staff
Marine Area 5
no report this week
Marine Area 6
no report this week
Marine Area 7
Marine Area 8.1
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2
no report this week
Marine Area 9 (Admirality Inlet)
no report this week
Marine Area 10
no report this week
Marine Area 11
The Immature chinook fishing has been very good the last few day’s mostly on the high water change in the morning and mostly trolling from Owens Beach to Pt. Defiance in 160’ to 190’ and Flasher and artificial squid or spoons seem to be the best bets. For those who like to mooch or Jig there is fish being caught also same depths and areas.
Area 11 has been great on the high incoming tide at Pt Defiance the past few days with a few limits being caught. April 30 Area 11 closes to salmon until July. Area 13 remains open.
For a more updated report call (253)404-3960.
There is no crabbing in MA 11 or 13
Point Defiance Marina has rental boats and motors and launch and overnight moorage facilities with pump out stations and shore power. In addition, we have storage space for boats up to 17 feet as well as kayak storage. Please call ahead if there is wind or fog to see if rental boats are able to be out due to limited visibility. We have many items for those seeking gifts as well as gift cards. For more information call 253-404-3960.
Hours are 6 am to 8 pm 7 days a week. Tenants have until 8:30 pm for the elevators.
Point Defiance Marina Classes and Events at
Basic Fishing (Adult Age 15+) Saturday, May 25, 2019 10 am to 12 pm
ABC Boater’s Education – WA State Boater’s Card Qualified Wednesdays 7-9 pm May 1, 8,15,22,29, 2019
Monday/Thursday 7-9 pm June 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 2019
PD Marina Spring Swap Meet Saturday, May 4, 2019 10 am to 3 pm Free to shop/ Booth Space $20
Point Defiance Marina Summer Sails and Trails Camp Sign Ups Open Now
Ages 11-15
July 8-12, 15-19, 22-26, 29 to Aug 2, 2019
M-F 8 am to 5 pm
Cost $265 per week
Participants spend the week fishing at PD Marina, Trails and Beach hikes at Point Defiance Park, with afternoons at Tacoma Youth Marine Center Sailing and Introduction to Kayaking.
One afternoon is at Foss Waterfront Seaport Center learning marine and environmental education.
More info To register (253)305-1022
Point Defiance Marina Classes and Events at
Basic Fishing (Adult Age 15+) Saturday, May 25, 2019 10 am to 12 pm
ABC Boater’s Education – WA State Boater’s Card Qualified Wednesdays 7-9 pm May 1, 8,15,22,29, 2019
Monday/Thursday 7-9 pm June 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 2019
PD Marina Spring Swap Meet Saturday, May 4, 2019 10 am to 3 pm Free to shop/ Booth Space $20
More info
Report submitted by Point Defiance Marina. For more information contact: Gene Anderson, Boathouse Marina Technician, 253.591.5325
Marine Area 12
no report this week
Freshwater – Greys Harbor Rivers
no report this week
British Columbia
no report this week
Barkley Sound, Port Alberni, and Ucluelet
no report this week
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was FAIR near Becher Bay until the chinook retention closure. The best fishing was inside the bay between Creyke Point and Hoskyn Point (the flagpole) and off Aldridge Point. All the salmon this past week were less than 8 lbs. in size. Anglers are mostly using spoons for lures, but many are switching over to anchovies. Good spoons have been Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and Coyotes with green in the colour mix. Anchovies were working too and good colours for teaser heads are Chartreuse, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. Needlefish hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters, the Bon Chovy, and Gold Fever Hot Spot flashers have been working well.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Fishing was FAIR in Oak Bay until the chinook retention closure. We did hear that there were a few boats practicing catch & release on Saturday. Anglers reported springs on the Flats in 100-140 depths on the Flats. Trollers had been catching the salmon trolling small spoons; Coho killers, Wee G’s and 3” AP Tackleworks Herring spoons. Most of the anglers have been bottom bouncing spoons and squirts close to the bottom. Best bets for Oak Bay trolling lures are Wee Gs, Coho Killers and 3“AP Tackleworks Miki Blue Herring spoons. Squirts will also work with Jelly fish and Electric Chairs good bets. Jiggers are having some success near Brodie Rock using Deep Stingers and Point Wilson Darts.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Pedder Bay Marina reports FAIR salmon fishing at Pedder Bay until the chinook retention closure. Whirl Bay was slightly better than Pedder Bay but large fish did not come from either area. Coyote style spoons have also worked well as the fish are targeting herring more than needlefish. Anchovies in green glow teaser have also been effective. Good choices for teaser head colors are Bloody Nose, Chartreuse and Purple Haze. Hootchies and squirts are still working with green and glow, Purple Haze or UV white good color choices. Flashers that are popular include the Guide Series Madi, Bon Chovy and Lemon Lime.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was SLOW in the Sidney area until the chinook retention closure. We heard that there were springs coming from Coal Island and Saanich Inlet as well. The salmon fishing has been GOOD in Saanich Inlet, especially near Wain Rock. Most anglers are using Skinny Gee spoons or anchovies. Suggested spoons are Coho Killers, Gibbs Skinny G and Wee G spoons and AP Tackleworks Sandlance spoons. Suggested colours are Cop Car and Trap Shack. Anchovies and Tiny Strip were also good in Glow or UV Purple teaser heads.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969; The cover of this week’s reports was contributed by Vaida. It shows Ben Wright with a halibut caught this week.
Salmon fishing was FAIR this past week until the chinook retention closure, but it was another week of not many anglers fishing for salmon. The best salmon fishing was near Secretary Island and Otter Point. The fish have been close to the bottom in 100-150 feet depths. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and 4″ Coyote spoons have been good. Green and glow has been the hot color combination for spoons. Hootchies in White, Glow/Green and Purple Haze are the top choices in plastic baits. Anchovies and herring have been good as well. Good choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Tiger Prawn and Bloody Nose. Popular flashers have been the Delta Guide Series UV Moon Jelly, the Bon Chovy, the Madi and the Super Betsey.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Right on schedule, the South Bowen Chinook fishery has really perked up! Over the last few days there has been some explosive bites with very good numbers of legal and undersized chinook salmon.
Like every April around this time, the longer, warmer days trigger a plankton bloom in local waters. This change in the food web, causes the herring, anchovies and sticklebacks to push offshore. Where the bait fish go, the chinook will go and that is exactly what has happened! Depending on the day, the fish have been from tight to shore all the way out to the Hump. The QA and the Bell Buoy have also had some good periods of activity. This fishery will continue for the next 6 to 8 weeks. We can only hope it will finish as strong as it is starting.
We have been having our best success on spoons. G Force and Silver Horde Kingfisher Spoons are doing the job nicely. Patterns like the Killy Mcgee, Herring Aide, Trailhead, Bon Chovy, Homeland Security, Irish Cream and Kitchen have all been deadly. No need for bait right now as the spoons are working just fine! The Madi Flasher and the Chartreuse Glow Phantoms have been really good flasher colours!
Crabbing has been good and prawning continues to be very good as well. If you want to drop prawn traps, an 8 hour trip is needed and needs to be requested at the time of booking. Now is the time to get out there!
Give us a call or an email to get out on the water!
For more info call Jeff or Jason at Bon Chovy Fishing Charters (604) 763-5460, email:
Salmon fishing was GOOD at Constance Bank until the chinook retention closure. Most of the springs were from 7-9 lbs. with a few larger hatchery fish up to the mid-teens. The salmon were hugging the bottom and the bite came on as the flood tide started. Closer in along the waterfront it was SLOW for springs with the most productive area being from Esquimalt to Brotchie Ledge. Most of salmon have been from 4-6 lbs. in size along the waterfront. Anglers are trolling close to the bottom in 80 to 140 feet of water. Anchovies and herring are working the best and glow teaser heads have been better than the non glow colours. Spoons are working very well with Skinny G’s and Coho Killers in Irish Cream, Outfitters and the AP Tackleworks 3” herring spoon good choices.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lakes and Rivers
Fishing was GOOD for trout and EXCELLENT for bass.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Tillamook Bay
no report this week
Willamette River
no report this week
Great Lakes
no report this week