Fishing Reports – October 7, 2021

Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week.
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
no report this week.
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
The Makah Nation, including Neah Bay remains closed to the public. As of September 29, 2021, the Makah Nation web site states “After careful consideration, the Makah Tribal Council has decided to maintain the closure of the Makah Reservation. The Council will reevaluate the status of the closure in January 2022.”
For more information, please see the Makah Nation website here:
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
Marine Area 6 (East Juan de Fuca Strait)
Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands)
Marine Area 8.1 (Deception Pass, Hope Island, Skagit Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2 (Ports Susan and Gardner)
Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet)
no report this week
Marine Area 10 (Seattle / Bremerton)
no report this week
Marine Area 11 (Tacoma / Vashon Island)
no report this week
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13 (South Puget Sound)
no report this week
Freshwater – Grays Harbor Rivers
no report this week
British Columbia
Fisheries and Oceans Canada is no longer providing printed BC Sport Fishing Guides from previous years or link to access an online PDF version.
Interest in the Guides has diminished and there is an increasing gap between the information in the paper guides and the actual online fishing regulations.
For current fishing regulations in your area, please see the online Sport Fishing Guide at:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact your local fisheries office at:
Bamfield, Barkley Sound, Port Alberni, Somass River System
The Salmon sport fishing in the Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound has really slowed down over the last few days. The huge rainfall just a few short days ago has opened up the various rivers, creeks, and streams and the Chinook and Coho salmon have moved into these waterways.
Barkley Sound still has the odd late Chinook in various areas and Coho are around but they too are anxious to make their last swim before spawning. Diplock, Pill Point, Sarita, and the Bamfield Wall have been the best spots to fish. A variety of hootchies and anchovy in various teaser heads are the best lures.
The Alberni Inlet is very slow. There is the odd Chum salmon outside Cous Creek that a few anglers have had fun with and have hooked into one.
The fishing just offshore out at Southbank and for those wishing to go further has still been good for halibut and also Coho.
The best fishing is in the Somass River system. Good numbers of Chinook Coho are in the system and many sport fisher persons are now choosing the river to fish. We do have some availability in early October. There are good numbers of Chinook and Coho in the system.
Tight lines
Report & pics submitted by Doug Lindores, Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing (888) 214-7206;
2021 Recap Report:
Bottom-fishing was consistent early in the season and provided some very good days in April and May! Jigging inshore areas with “Zzinger” style jigs, or lead-head swimbaits – targeting rocky pinnacles or ledges – saw good catches of species like Black, Vermillion, Tiger, and China Rockfish, as well as Lingcod. By June we were seeing Halibut caught trolling, jigging, or at anchor in both bigger numbers and greater size, with good fishing found not too far offshore. A traditional spreader-bar setup baited with either herring or salmon belly did the trick, and some nice fish were taken with larger lead-head swimbait jigs as well.
Very early on we saw Chinook salmon showing up, with some nice local “Feeder” fish reaching double-digit weights found in the protected waters of Barkley Sound, as well as around Great Bear Rock, the Harbour Mouth, and the Red Can. Trolling smaller profile spoons like the Silver Horde – imitating juvenile Herring or smaller Needlefish – was the go-to setup for most of the early season, with the majority of fish being found close to the bottom.
Fishing was solid in July and August, and we started to see larger migratory Chinook, Coho and consistent Halibut offshore at Big Bank and the Southwest Corner, as well as a strong showing of smaller local Chinook salmon inshore. Trolling offshore for salmon and halibut was most successful using squid patterned hootchies close to the bottom – with both larger Chinook and Halibut feeding aggressively “right in the mud” – although spoons and hootchies were productive in the 50’ to 90’ range when fished around the slack tides. Coho were found in large numbers offshore feeding on krill right at the surface, as well as large Herring right down to the bottom – these aggressive fish were abundant enough to outcompete other species for presented gear, and finding hatchery fish to retain in the mix was often just a matter of time.
In the heat of August and into September we saw a very good run of local Chinook salmon coming through the inshore areas, with Wya Point proving to be a top producer for big Springs – as expected. Smaller spoons were still a key component to successful trips, with anchovies fished in a teaser-head and Needlefish patterned hootchies also getting their fair share of action. Trolling inshore was most effective in the 30’ to 50’ range, and given the amount of bait in the area it was essential to have your presentation just right to entice a strike.
The 2021 Season was filled with excitement and sheer joy, with an excellent mix of weather and fish abundance to create memories to last a lifetime – and a few full freezers!
Report & pics submitted by James Costello, Salmon Eye Charters, 1-877-777-4344;
Becher Bay
Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. Very few chinooks were caught as most of the chinooks have moved on. The best spots for chinook salmon were Aldridge Point and Beechey Head. Coho fishing has SLOWED, but some were being caught out near the shipping lanes. The average size has been from 5-9 lbs in size. Anchovies are now the most popular bait and good colours for teaser heads were Chartreuse, Mint Pearl and Bloody Nose. Good spoons for chinooks have been Skinny G’s, Coho Killers and Coyotes with green in the colour mix. The GIBBS Highliner Guide Series Outfitters, the Madi, and Gold Fever Hot Spot flashers had been working well. Halibut fishing has been SPOTTY in the area. Crabbing in the bay has been SLOW in the bay.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Fishing for salmon has been SLOW in Oak Bay this past week. We haven’t heard of many mature springs caught in either the Gap or the Flats. Smaller winter springs are now the most common catch in Oak Bay. Small spoons and squirts have been the best lures in this area recently. Halibut fishing was SLOW in Oak Bay. Crabbing has been FAIR in Oak Bay.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Chinook fishing was SLOW near Pedder Bay. Most of the springs were caught near the entrance to the bay and near Church Rock. Coho fishing has slowed down near the shipping lanes but some coho up to 10 lbs are still being caught. Anchovies and herring were the best baits for salmon this past week. Good choices for teaser head colors were Chartreuse, UV Green and Bloody Nose. Spoons have also been highly effective with Skinny G’s, Wee G’s and AP Tackleworks spoons catching fish. All glow and Green with glow have been the two best color combinations. Halibut fishing was SLOW. The areas near William Head, Albert Head, and the 27 Fathom Reef have produced the most halibut recently. A few lingcod and rockfish were reported. Crabbing has been FAIR.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Port Renfrew
The GIBBS DELTA SUMMER CHINOOK SHOOTOUT was held this past weekend at the Pacific Gateway Marina. There wee 125 chinooks weighed in. The top three fish weighed 27.4, 26.1, and 25.2 lbs. The best fishing spots were Walbran, Camper Creek, Logan, East Point and Wood’s Nose.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fishing for chinooks was SLOW this past week. The Sidney Salmon Derby was held on the weekend. Over 100 tickets were sold and 14 chinooks were caught. The winning fish weighed 17½ pounds. Halibut and lingcod fishing was SLOW. Crabbing has been SLOW and there are lots of traps out by Sidney Spit.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Salmon fishing was SLOW this past week. The best locations to catch a spring were Possession Point, and Otter Point. Feeder springs (winter springs) are now numbering more than larger mature springs. A couple of springs into the 20’s were caught, but most were much smaller. Coho fishing has been FAIR, especially out in deeper water. The coho were fairly deep with best success coming from 80-150 feet on the downrigger. Some of the coho have been as large as 10 lbs. Anchovies and herring were the best baits for all salmon. Good choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Purple Haze and Bloody Nose. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, Coho Killers, and AP Tackleworks spoons have been good for springs. Herring Aid has been the hot colour pattern in spoons. Popular flashers have been the Betsey, the Bon Chovy, the Madi and the Gold Fever Hot Spot. Halibut and Lingcod fishing was SLOW. Crabbing has been SLOW in the basin.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
It was VERY SLOW salmon fishing this past week. First light and the tide changes have been the most productive times. Constance Bank did give up a few salmon when you could get out there. It was very slow from Saxe Point to the Breakwater. The best lures this past week were small anchovies in Bloody Nose teasers or Silver Chrome Bullet Roll teasers. Spoons have worked at times with Skinny G’s and Coho Killers in Outfitters, Irish Cream and AP Tackleworks 3” Sandlance spoons effective choices. Lingcod and rockfish fishing was FAIR. Crabbing has been SPOTTY.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Fish Tip of the Week
Cover water! Most of the time when you hit one Coho, you hit another Coho, and then another. This is because Coho usually travel in schools in search of baitfish. In order to locate some Coho, it is important to continue covering different water and depths until you have found a school. Try spreading your lines all at different depths and try not to get stuck sitting in one spot against the tide.
Lakes and Rivers
Cowichan River
The river is extremely low and warm and anglers should not fish the river.
Trout fishing has been SLOW at local lakes. The water temperatures is fairly warm and the fish are deeper near the thermocline in the local lakes. Shore anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, and worms fished just off the bottom. White, Pink, Chartreuse and Fluorescent Yellow have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are mostly fishing Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Chironomid patterns. Chironomid hatches have been happening at most lakes. Trollers are catching the most trout with worms fished on Gibbs Wedding Bands fished behind Gang Trolls. Tomic Plugs in 2”-3” sizes have also been working well for trout at Cowichan Lake.
To find out about fish stockings all over the Island and the province, as well as the different strains being released, click on the link
Bass fishing continues to be EXCELLENT. Big Largemouth and Smallmouth bass have been quite active and four pound plus fish are being caught regularly. Topwater fishing is good in the early mornings and evenings with anglers having good luck with wake baits, frogs and poppers, Subsurface soft plastics continue to trigger the most bites, with wacky and Texas rig worms at the top of the list. Try fishing close to the docks and near shallow structure. Deep water has been good during the day and jigs and drop shot fishing has been effective. Hot lakes continue to be Shawnigan, Quennell, Langford and Prospect Lakes.
The CBFL kayak championship was held this past weekend on Shawnigan lake The top ten anglers from the CBFL tournament series qualified to fish the event This two-day, winner takes all competition saw most anglers fishing offshore for suspending bass After day one, the Kayak Angler of the Year, Aaron Broadbent was in the lead with a 3 fish limit totaling 51″ Sunday’s weather was looking good when the anglers set out. Aaron went back to his spots and went to work amassing a 53.25″, 3 fish limit, going wire to wire, winning the championship with a impressive 104.25 two day total Honorable mention to Jesse Mcmullan runner up coming in with a two day total of 97.75″
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Tillamook Bay
no report this week
Willamette River
no report this week
Great Lakes
no report this week