Options for 2015 Ocean Quotas Announced

By on March 13, 2015

Each week we round-up the top fishing news from the Northwest and beyond. Do you have a news tip? E-mail us at news /at/ salmonuniversity.com. 

Anglers Asked to Vote for Top 100 U.S. Fishing Spots

The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF) is soliciting votes for the 2015 edition of its “America’s Top Family Fishing and Boating Spots Sweepstakesfish0369.” Persons who register on the RBFF’s website are allowed to vote for up to three of their favorite destinations from a list of 276 nominated places. Fishing spots with the most votes will be placed on the list of 2015 America’s Top 100 Family Fishing and Boating Spots, which will used to help promote National Fishing and Boating Week in June. Those entering the sweepstakes have a chance to win a weekly prize, while a grand prize winner will receive a trip to Disney World.

“Last year’s sweepstakes was a huge success among families and outdoor enthusiasts. The campaign brings back memories on the water and highlights how fishing and boating is a great activity for all,” said RBFF President and CEO, Frank Peterson, in a written statement. 

Feds Approve Three Options for Ocean Salmon Quotas

The Pacific Fishery Management Council last week approved three options for new ocean salmon quotas, the News Tribune reports.

All three options would lower the coho catch quota from 2014, while chinook quotas would stay the same or increase slightly.

The council will hold a hearing on March 30 in Westport with a final decision expected in April.

Orvis Announces Recreational Fishing Grants

Orvis has announced the recipients of its annual Customer Matching Grant program. Organizations received an Orvis Customer Matching Grant will have public donations matched by Orvis up to a designated amount. The recipients for 2015 include:

  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) – Orvis will match up to $30,000 in donations directed toward the CBF’s Oyster Restoration Program.
  • Rare – Orvis will match up to $30,000 in donations to Rare, which encourages communities in Belize to practice sustainable fisheries management.
  • Petfinder Foundation – Orvis will match up to $30,000 to the Petfinder Foundation, which works to promote adoption of shelter dogs.

Salmon University Staff
Salmon University is the top online resource for fishing in the Pacific Northwest. Follow us on Twitter @salmonuniv for the latest news and other updates.
