WDFW: Winter Chinook salmon fishery in Marine Area 11 (Tacoma-Vashon Island) extended two days

By on April 12, 2024
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OLYMPIA – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) fishery managers announced today to extend winter Chinook salmon fishing in Marine Area 11 (Tacoma-Vashon Island) for two additional days (April 14 and 15). 

“We know our winter fisheries have been dynamic in recent years, so being able to add even a couple days of winter fishing is exciting,” said Dr. Kirsten Simonsen, WDFW’s Puget Sound recreational salmon manager.  

WDFW fishery managers worked with the recreational angling community during the season setting process to determine the preferred dates for the winter fisheries and acknowledged the priority for preserving fishing opportunity as long as possible during the winter fishing season. Marine Area 11 was originally scheduled to be open Wednesdays through Saturdays only from March 1 through April 13, except at year-round piers.  

In Marine Area 11, catch estimates for the winter Chinook fishery through April 7, have reached 69% of the total encounters (818 of 1,191), 67% of the unmarked encounters (174 of 269), and 43% of the sublegal encounters (347 of 816). Based on daily catch rates thus far, this allows space for additional days of fishing to be added to the 2024 winter Chinook season. 

The Marine Area 11 daily limit is two salmon including no more than one Chinook. Anglers must release chum and wild Chinook, and the Chinook minimum size is 22 inches. All other salmon species have no minimum size limit. Commencement Bay (east of a line from Cliff House Restaurant to Sperry Ocean Dock) in Marine Area 11 is closed to salmon fishing. 

Marine Area 5 (Sekiu and Pillar Point) is open daily through April 30 or until the guideline is met. In Marine Area 5, the estimated winter Chinook fishery guideline is at 75% of the sublegal encounters through April 7. WDFW will continuously analyze the fishery data collected via test fishing and creel sampling throughout the season. For weekly updates on the status of fisheries, anglers can view the WDFW’s seasonal Puget Sound salmon fishery guidelines and quotas webpage. 

Check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet and WDFW’s emergency rules webpage and download the Fish Washington mobile app for up-to-date regulations. 

Salmon University Staff
Salmon University is the top online resource for fishing in the Pacific Northwest. Follow us on Twitter @salmonuniv for the latest news and other updates.
