WDFW: updates to Puget Sound shrimping opportunities in July

By on July 5, 2024

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) today announced several changes to summer shrimping seasons in portions of Puget Sound, including the cancellation of two planned spot shrimp openers and the immediate opening of some marine areas for non-spot shrimp.

Shellfish managers announced the changes to align with agreements between WDFW and tribal co-managers.

The updated seasons cancel previously planned openings for spot shrimp from July 12-14 in Marine Area 6 outside Discovery Bay and in Marine Area 7 West.

“Effort and participation during the June 28-June 30 opening was very high for this point in the season,” said Katelyn Bosley, Puget Sound crab and shrimp lead with WDFW. “As a result, the recreational harvest targets have been reached in these marine areas.”

Effective immediately, Marine Area 6 outside Discovery Bay and Marine Area 9 are open for non-spot shrimp species only through Oct. 15. Marine areas 8-1 and 8-2 will also open July 11 for non-spot shrimp only through Oct. 15.

In marine areas 6, 8-1, and 8-2, the maximum fishing depth is 175 feet during non-spot shrimp only fisheries. In Marine Area 9, the maximum fishing depth is 150 feet.

Current regulations for each Puget Sound marine area include:

For all non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) seasons, 1/2-inch mesh pots are allowed, depth restrictions are in place, and all spot shrimp are required to be released immediately.

In areas open for spot shrimp, the daily limit is 80 spot shrimp with a total daily weight limit of 10 pounds (whole shrimp) for all species combined. If retaining non-spot shrimp, all shrimp heads (spot and non-spot) must be retained in the field until anglers are ashore and finished fishing for the day. Daylight hours only indicates that pots can be set and retrieved from one hour before official sunrise to one hour after official sunset. All traps must be removed from the water during periods when fishing is closed.

More information on recreational shrimp seasons, and a description of the marine areas, is available on WDFW’s recreational shrimp fishing section of the website.

Contact: Don Velasquez, 425-725-3038

Salmon University Staff
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