WDFW: Chinook retention closing in Marine Area 5 (Sekiu and Pillar Point)

By on July 31, 2024
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Action: Closes Chinook salmon retention in Marine Area 5.

Effective date: Aug. 1 through Aug. 15, 2024

Species affected: Chinook salmon.

Location: Marine Area 5.

Salmon rules: No minimum size. Daily limit two. Release Chinook, chum, sockeye, and wild coho.

Reason for action: Estimates of landed catch through July 28 indicate that anglers have reached 95% (6,235 of 6,539) of total legal-size Chinook encounters agreed to in this year’s List of Agreed Fisheries (LOAF). These measures are needed to meet conservation goals and avoid exceeding the fishery management objectives.

Additional Information: Does not affect planned Coho season beginning Aug. 16.

Waters south of a line from Kydaka Point westerly approximately four miles to Shipwreck Point remain closed to salmon fishing, as listed in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.

Information contact: Fish Program, 360-902-2700

Salmon University Staff
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