WDFW: Marine Area 11 (Tacoma and Vashon Island) salmon fishery updates

By on September 6, 2024
MA 11

Action: Increases Chinook portion of the daily limit to two fish.

Effective date: Sept. 6-30, 2024.

Species affected: Salmon.

Location: Marine Area 11 (Tacoma and Vashon Island).

Rule: Salmon daily limit two. Chinook minimum size 22 inches. All other salmon species, no minimum size. Release chum and wild Chinook.

Reason for action: Catch estimates for the Marine Area 11 summer Chinook fishery indicate that through Sept. 2, 66% of the harvest quota (2,214 of 3,379), and 53% of sublegal encounters (3,102 of 5,907) have been reached. Based on these estimates, the Chinook portion of the daily limit will be increased to two hatchery Chinook.

Additional information: Year-round piers (Des Moines Pier, Les Davis Pier, Point Defiance Boathouse Dock, and Redondo Pier) remain under permanent rules as listed in the 2024-25 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.

Anglers can check the emergency rules webpage for updates or sign up for the Fishing Rule Change alerts email list on the WDFW webpage. See the WDFW Salmon Fishing Current blog for additional Puget Sound Chinook fishery information.

Information contact: Fish Program, 360 902-2700

Salmon University Staff
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