All articles by Terry Rudnick
Heavy Metal Halibut
I’ve never really kept records of what baits and lures I used to catch halibut, but it’s a safe bet that I’ve caught more of them and the highest percentage of really big ones on jigs, either...
- Posted March 15, 2014
My Favorite Halibut Rig (at least for this year)
One of the most frequently asked questions I hear at the end of a fishing presentation, whatever the topic, is an inquiry about my favorite bait, favorite lure, favorite color, favorite size, or some combination of these...
- Posted February 11, 2014
Buzz Bomb Basics
The first time I ever saw a Buzz Bomb at the end of another salmon angler’s line my reaction was something like, “You gotta be kidding me.” There was no way in the world, to my way...
- Posted September 15, 2013