Fishing Reports, August 4, 2021

Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
no report this week
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
The WDFW has announced that as of August 6th, MA 2 will open seven days a week for salmon fishing. Details here:
Chinook fishing has been steady, with fish averaging up to about 18lbs. and the largest chinook so far being about 26lbs.
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
The WDFW has lowered the chinook retention to one fish in MA 4, as of July 24th. Details here:
Sportfishers have been doing well off of Neah Bay for chinook. The chinook are still averaging in the teens, with some in the 20’s and the coho so far are small.
The Makah Nation, including Neah Bay continues to be closed to the public due to COVID-19 – so most sportfishers fishing in Area 4 are running there from Sekiu.
As of June 16, 2021, the Makah Tribal Council’s decision is that the Makah Nation will be closed to the public until at least October 1, 2021. For more information, please see the Makah Nation website here:
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu)
Marine Area 6 (East Juan de Fuca Strait)
The fishing had been good for chinook out of Port Angeles, with locals doing well. MA 6 remains open for pinks and clipped coho.
Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands)
Marine Area 8.1 (Deception Pass, Hope Island, Skagit Bay)
no report this week
Marine Area 8.2 (Ports Susan and Gardner)
Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet)
The WDFW has suspended chinook retention in MA 9, as of 12am on August 5th. Details here:
The fishing had been good in Area 9, with more action being on the east side – Possession and the oil docks – than by Point No Point / Foulweather. Chinook were being taken in the mid-teens, with some shakers and the occasional pink showing up.
Marine Area 10 (Seattle / Bremerton)
Chinook fishing is heating up – with good action at Jeff Head, and fish in the teens. Still lots of shakers and some small coho around, so try switching to large Silver Horde Kingfisher #4 spoons in Cop Car, or Top Cat spoons in green spatterback.
Marine Area 11 (Tacoma / Vashon Island)
Fishing has been slow, but starting to improve. There are lots of folks fishing. Most are fishing 120-150 feet of water and finding fish 20-30 feet off the bottom. Flashers and spoons like the Silver Horde #2 or #3 Kingfishers, or flashers and hootchies were the ticket.
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
no report this week
Marine Area 13 (South Puget Sound)
no report this week
Freshwater – Grays Harbor Rivers
no report this week
British Columbia
Fisheries and Oceans Canada is no longer providing printed BC Sport Fishing Guides from previous years or link to access an online PDF version.
Interest in the Guides has diminished and there is an increasing gap between the information in the paper guides and the actual online fishing regulations.
For current fishing regulations in your area, please see the online Sport Fishing Guide at:
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact your local fisheries office at:
Bamfield, Barkley Sound, & Port Alberni
There are so many wonderful places for anglers to fish for salmon in this beautiful Pacific Rim area during the month of August. West Coast Vancouver Island Chinook have started to show near the end of July and will peak in numbers from mid August to the first week of September. Coho returning to streams and rivers in this area begin to show in August and peak later in the month into September. Early season forecasts have 98,000 to 140,000 Chinook returning to West Coast Vancouver Island. Approximately fifteen to seventeen percent of these fish are aged five year old, meaning there will be some good sized salmon in the mix.
In early to mid August there is still the continued large migration of salmon headed to the big watersheds to the far south and Puget Sound. August predictably will be a terrific month for all anglers on the West Coast of Vancouver Island.
The large schools of Chinook followed by Coho swim into Barkley Sound and feed on the rich resources of bait fish before making their journey to the Alberni Inlet and then into the Somass River. The best Chinook and Coho fishing in the Alberni Inlet usually begins from the tenth to the fifteenth of August. There are a variety of hotspots in the Inlet. Two of these are Lone Tree and Coulson Mill which are both basically in the Harbor. China Creek Wall, Underwood, Leaning Tree, and the Narrows are a few other locations that usually hold a good number of returning Chinook salmon. With a good number of Five-year-old returning there should be some large sized Chinook in the twenty-five to low thirty-pound range during the next six weeks.
Sport Fishers fishing the Alberni Inlet waters will often have success using anchovy in a variety of teaser heads. Glow Army Truck, purple haze, cop car and green haze with a six-foot leader behind a variety of flashers will often create some of the best results. Anglers will also have success using Pink and Red Octopus Hootchies. The AORL 12, Purple Haze and dark green Spatter back are excellent hootchie choices.
Many Anglers during August will fish Barkley Sound from the surf line to the far end of the Bamfield Wall over to Pill Point and Ecoole. Austin-Cree, Beale, Wittlestone, the Bamfield Wall, Gilbraltor, Swale Rock and Pill Point should have fantastic angling opportunities through the month. The returning salmon are most often in shallower water from twenty-five to sixty feet. Coho are often right on the waters surface. Best results fishing Barkley Sound are using anchovy in the same teaser head colors as the Alberni Inlet. A variety of Coyote spoons, Skinny G and Big Eye spoons with fifty-six inches of leader and the standby AORL 12, Purple Haze and Spatter back hootchies are often a sure bet at different times of the day and month.
Report & pics submitted by Doug Lindores, Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing (888) 214-7206;

Big Bank has been producing very consistently as expected this time of year for Chinook, Coho and Halibut. There continue to be a plethora of chicken halibut on the bank and you can even catch them when not near the bottom while trolling for salmon. The Chinook have been at depths from 100 to the bottom. Some days and places on the bank the Coho are aggressively attacking while you are letting down your line so you have to get your rigger into free fall to get past them. The north nipple, Gspot, egg and nose have all been producing fish. Lots of combinations are working. White, blue/green, and brown/white hootchies are working well. Anchoring for halibut has been good as well.
Lighthouse Bank has also been good some days as we expect this time of year for Chinook and Coho. Bites there tend to be a little more hot and cold. In a little over a week we are going to have the larger Chinook close to shore which is what many of us are waiting for. We are going to be getting in the neighborhood of 130K Chinook going past our door.
Tight lines and we hope to see you out there or on one of our boats!
Report & pics submitted by Sam Vandervalk, Salmon Eye Fishing Charters, Uculet, BC; 1-877-777-4344;
Becher Bay
Cheanuh marina reported that salmon fishing has been EXCELLENT! Fishing for pinks has been HOT between Aldridge Point and the Trap Shack. Anglers fishing for chinooks were having GOOD success catching hatchery marked springs within the Becher Bay retention area during the week and off Beechey Head on Sunday. Depths of 50-70 feet have been the best for catching springs while 20-50 has been the zone for pink salmon. Anchovies have been the best bait for springs, but most anglers are using spoons due to the large number of pink salmon around. Coho fishing has slowed down. Most anglers fishing coho and pinks are using spoons and pink hoochies. Halibut and Lingcod fishing was SLOW this past weekend. Crabbing has been FAIR inside the bay.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Oak Bay
Anglers are having GOOD success fishing for chinooks on the Flats. On opening day morning, the Gap produced some springs in the teens and a few over size ones. Later on, the Flats produced some too. Most of the springs have been from 8-15 pounds and about 80% of the salmon are hatchery marked. Spoons and squirts have been the best lures for the springs. Halibut, Lingcod and Rockfish fishing was SLOW near Oak Bay. Crabbing has been SPOTTY in the Oak Bay and Cadboro Bay area.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pedder Bay
Salmon fishing has been GOOD. Pink salmon fishing has been the best, as coho fishing has SLOWED DOWN. Spring salmon fishing was GOOD on Sunday when it opened for slot size retention. Due to the weather on the weekend, most anglers stayed in Pedder Bay, but they were not disappointed. Pinks and springs were being caught near the mouth of the bay. Whirls Bay to Beechy Head has been the best are for pinks and coho when the weather allows boats outside the bay. Both the coho and pinks have been from 3-6 lbs in size. Halibut fishing was DECENT this past week. The most productive halibut areas were caught straight out from William Head, West Constance Bank and the East Race. Crabbing has been FAIR.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
The opening off slot size retention brought out salmon anglers on Sunday. We heard that Hambley Point produced the most springs. We also heard of a few pinks caught, but they are not there in large numbers. Coho Killers. Skinny G’s and APT Needlefish spoons produced the best action on springs. Bottom fishing was SLOW this past week. Crabbing and prawning has been HIT & MISS.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Pink salmon fishing has been HOT in Sooke. The fishing was best near Secretary Island and 20-50 feet on the downrigger were the best depths to catch the pinks. Coho fishing has been SLOWER. The coho are small, mostly between 30-60 cm in length. Chinook retention opened on Sunday and many boats brought in slot size fish. About a quarter of the coho are fin clipped. Most angler fishing for salmon have been using spoons due to the large number of pink salmon in the area. Halibut fishing was SLOW, with the best action coming from west of Sooke. The Bluffs, Muir Creek and Jordan River produced a few fish recently. Crabbing has been FAIR in the basin.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
no report this week
Pink salmon fishing picked up steadily as the week progressed. By the weekend some boats were getting limits. Constance Bank and the Yellow Can. Catch and release salmon fishing was SLOW during the week. On Sunday, some keeper springs into the mid-teens were being caught. Halibut fishing was SLOW off the waterfront this past weekend. The best areas to fish were Constance Bank, the Mud Hole, and Trial Island. Most anglers are fishing in over 300 feet of water for the big flatfish. Crabbing was FAIR and prawning was SLOW.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Lakes and Rivers
Cowichan River
The water temperature in the river is rising and the “float tube hatch” is strong on warm days. The river is now closed for fishing until September 1st.
Trout fishing has been SLOWER at local lakes. The water temperatures is increasing and the trout have started going deeper in many of the local lakes. Shore anglers are catching trout on Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, and worms fished just off the bottom. White, Pink, Chartreuse and Fluorescent Yellow have been good choices recently for Powerbait. Fly anglers are mostly fishing Wooly Buggers, Leeches and Chironomid patterns. Chironomid hatches have been happening at most lakes. Trollers are catching the most trout with worms fished on Gibbs Wedding
To find out about fish stockings all over the Island and the province, as well as the different strains being released, click on the link
Bass fishing continues to be EXCELLENT. Big Largemouth and Smallmouth bass have been quite active and four pound plus fish are being caught regularly. Topwater fishing is good in the early mornings and evenings with anglers having good luck with wake baits, frogs and poppers, Subsurface soft plastics continue to trigger the most bites, with wacky and Texas rig worms at the top of the list. Try fishing close to the docks and near shallow structure. Deep water has been good during the day and jigs and drop shot fishing has been effective. Hot lakes continue to be Shawnigan, Quennell, Langford and Prospect Lakes.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969;
Tillamook Bay
no report this week
Willamette River
no report this week
Great Lakes
no report this week