Fishing Reports – August 7, 2024

Marine Area 1 (Ilwaco)
Lots of coho being caught, some kings too but not in the same numbers or sizes as those found further north. The wind has been an issue on some days, watch the weather and pick your days.
The halibut quota for MA1 this year is 18,112 lbs. of which about 11,100 lbs. remains as of June 1st. Halibut will reopen on August 22nd.
Salmon fishing is open through September 30th, or until the quota is met.
Marine Area 2 (Westport)
It was non-stop fishing this week, with many chinook in the 20lb range, a few in the 30’s and the biggest being caught in the high 30’s. Lots of limits being caught and folks done early. This is the time of year that we all enjoy.
The halibut quota for MA2 this year is 67,074 lbs. of which about 47,720 lbs. remains as of June 1st. Halibut will reopen on August 22nd.
Salmon fishing is open here daily through September 15th, or until the quota is met.
Marine Area 3 (La Push)
Salmon – fishing has been awesome this week , wide open silvers with quite a few kings mixed in, mostly in the 10-20 lb. range, with a few bigger fish caught occasionally, like this 30lb fish caught by our friend Jacob.
Rockfish – it’s been 15-30 minute limits, fast action.
Lingcod – Outside of 20 fathoms opened on August 1st, so we have been fishing the rockpile some for lingcod, it’s not near as hot as fishing last year at this time, but if you work at it you can get limits.
We’ve seen a number of whale this week, too.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA3 and MA4 is 132,366 lbs. of which about 110,405 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. Halibut opens back up on August 16th, seven days a week. We have quite a few open spots for the summer halibut season, so if you’re interested, call us to book a spot.
Salmon fishing is open here until September 15th, or until the quota is met.
Report submitted by Jim Richeson, Top Notch Ocean Charters, 360-374-2660
Marine Area 4 (Neah Bay)
Salmon fishing has been good – lots of high teen-sized fish, and the occasional fish to 30lbs. Both outside and inside and the weather has been good with the occasional foggy or windy day. The nearshore rockfish and lingcod trips have been seeing limits being brought in on each trip.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA3 and MA4 is 132,366 lbs. of which about 110,405 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. Halibut will reopen on August 16th.
Salmon fishing is open here seven days a week until September 15th, or until the quota is met.
Marine Area 5 (Sekiu and Pillar Point)
Chinook fishing closed here on August 1st, details here.
Clipped-fin coho fishing continues, and halibut fishing will reopen on August 16th.
The coho fishing has been good, with fish up to about 10lbs. The weather has been good with the occasional foggy or windy day.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. Halibut will reopen on August 16th.
Rockfish fishing is limited to black or blue/deacon rockfish, daily limit three fish west of Slip Point and one fish east of Slip Point.
Summer salmon fishing is open here seven days a week until August 15th, or until the quota is met (chinook is now closed).
Marine Area 6 (East Strait of Juan de Fuca)
We’ve been finding some hatchery coho off the “Humps”. Lots of hatchery Chinook into the 20 lb range being taken from Ediz Hook. I got a 24lb and 10lb chinook last week off of Ediz, and this week we caught a 44″ chinook, estimated at 35lbs, but it had a “Freedom” fin and went back to continue its spawning run. All fish were caught along Ediz Hook. Silver Horde “Cookies and Cream” spoon caught all three.

Dave with a couple of nice late-July Ediz Hook chinook
Crabbing opened on July 1st and had been good, but the commercial pots are in now, so the crabbing has slowed down accordingly. (we crabbed in Sequim Bay two days this week and averaged two keepers per pot on one pull a day, about twice as many females and soft males tossed back. -ed.)
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season will reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Summer salmon fishing is open here seven days a week from July 1st — August 15th, or until the quota is met.
Report submitted by Dave Croonquist, Puget Sound Anglers – North Olympic Peninsula Chapter
Marine Area 7 (San Juan Islands)
MA7 was open for chinook for one additional day on August 4th, and folks made the most of it, catching nice chinook.
MA7 is open for non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) through Oct. 15, with a maximum depth restriction of 200 feet. Details here.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season closed on June 30th, but will reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Lingcod fishing (hook and line) opened here on May 1st, with a slot limit between 26″ and 36″, daily limit 1 fish. Rockfish fishing is closed year-round.
Marine Area 8.1 (Deception Pass, Hope Island, Skagit Bay)
No report this week.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season closed on June 30th, but reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Lingcod fishing (hook and line) opened here on May 1st, with a slot limit between 26″ and 36″, daily limit 1 fish. Rockfish fishing is closed year-round.
Marine Area 8.2 (Port Susan, Port Gardner)
No report this week.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season closed on June 30th, but reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Lingcod fishing (hook and line) opened here on May 1st, with a slot limit between 26″ and 36″, daily limit 1 fish. Rockfish fishing is closed year-round.
Marine Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet)
MA9 was open for chinook for one additional day on August 4th, and Possession Bar was the place to be. Fish were found in other usual spots as well, and they weren’t as crowded. We’ve seen some nice coho being caught, and they are getting bigger by the week.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season will reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Marine Area 10 (Seattle / Bremerton)
No report this week.
The halibut combined quota this year for MA5 through MA10 is 81,729 lbs. of which about 54,685 lbs. remains, as of June 1st. The halibut season will reopen on August 16th until September 30th, or until the quota is reached.
Marine Area 11 (Tacoma / Vashon Island)
No report this week.
MA11 is open for non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) through Oct. 15 with a maximum depth restriction of 150 feet. During the non-spot season 1/2-inch mesh pots are allowed, depth restrictions are in place, and all spot shrimp are required to be released immediately. Details here.
Marine Area 12 (Hood Canal)
No report this week.
MA12 is currently closed for salmon, lingcod, rockfish, and halibut. Salmon fishing will open August 1st.
Your options for now are limited to other flatfish (flounders, sole, sanddabs), or catch-and-release fishing for trout along the shorelines.
Marine Area 13 (South Puget Sound)
No report this week.
MA13 is open for non-spot shrimp (dock, coonstripe, sidestripe and pink shrimp only) through Oct. 15 with a max depth restriction of 200 feet. During the non-spot season 1/2-inch mesh pots are allowed, depth restrictions are in place, and all spot shrimp are required to be released immediately. Details here.
Salmon fishing is open here year-round. The daily limit is two fish, Chinook (minimum 22″) other species no size limit; release chum, unclipped coho, and unclipped Chinook.
Rockfish fishing is closed year-round.
British Columbia
A reminder for British Columbia anglers: All fishing and hunting licenses expired at the end of March, so be sure to get your new licenses before your next trip outdoors. Often there are changes in the regulations, so take some time to read and review the regulations before going out and accidentally getting into trouble. Saltwater anglers will find new regulations regarding crab and prawn floats and the conditions of license in effect. And be sure to carry BOTH pages of your new saltwater angling license.
Anglers are advised to check for further fishing closures, regulations, and information for specific areas.
Chinook Fishing
Has been very good at Long Beach, Outside Light and Mara rock and the bight is happening all day at Long Beach and Mara. Sizes range from 10-25lbs. Depending on what you are using you will probably get more in the 10-15 range but there are combinations and areas that tend to produce larger average fish. Long Beach and Outside light are producing slightly larger fish. Wya and Little Beach are also seeing sporadic bights and some larger Chinook are starting to come through along the shore. There are a few larger fish also showing up at Austin and Cree.
Hutchies, spoons and anchovies are all working here. Some days hutchies work better than spoons and some days spoons are really good. Anchovies are generally a constant though you probably don’t need them right now.
Coho Salmon
Are very plentiful at Big Bank and showing up in a smaller numbers at Long Beach. One of our boats went to Big Bank yesterday and got all their hatchery Coho (8) and halibut. We haven’t seen too many inside Barkley sound. Make sure you throw back the ones that don’t have clipped adipose fins if not in Barkley Sound.
Halibut Fishing
Has been good for our guys in a few different spots. Outside South, Outside Light, the Barnyard and Long Beach have all been producing and if you want to make the run Big Bank is producing as expected. We are still getting them in closer but expect things to slow down in some spots and need to run to Big Bank soon. Since Big Bank hasn’t had much fishing pressure it may be good into September again.
We have been seeing quite a few whales, sea otters and more sea lions the past couple of weeks which is always pleasant to see.
If you are wanting to go fishing let us know and we will do our best to fit you in any open spots.
Check out our fishing packages for the easiest booking to get you fishing, vacuum packing and freezing and staying in brand new cabins.
We have some availabilty this next week so give us a shout if you are wanting to get out on some good action.
We have both day trips and multi-day packages.
Here are some more pics from the past few days:
What is expected for the rest of August?
Fishing for Chinook salmon should keep getting better as August rolls along. We are expecting a Chinook run size we haven’t seen in a very long time during August and some of the larger fish should be coming in big numbers starting about Aug 10.
If you are wanting to come fishing with your own boat you can inquire about accommodation for 2025. We have parking for trailers. If you would like tips on what do do in the area check out and
Report & pics submitted by Sam Vandervalk, Salmon Eye Charters, Ucluelet, BC, 877-777-4344,
Bamfield, Barkley Sound, & Port Alberni
August is always an exciting month in this Pacific Rim area as Chinook and Coho salmon begin to migrate into the various rivers, streams and creeks of West Coast Vancouver Island. Anglers have so many wonderful fishing opportunities to sport fish for salmon in this majestic area. West Coast Vancouver Island Chinook and Coho migrate to surf line areas and then into Barkley Sound in late July and peak in numbers from mid August to early September of which many continue their final journey migrating to the Alberni Inlet before swimming into the Somass and Stamp River systems. The 2024 sport fishing season from late July to September should be simply wonderful with fabulous forecast returns of Chinook and Coho salmon.
West Coast Vancouver Island returns of Chinook Salmon are forecast to be of “terminal abundance” for all hatchery and wild Chinook. This forecast for returns in the model to Barkley Sound and the Alberni Inlet is 95,000 to 170,000. The age category predictions are three-year-old, four-year-old, five and six year old Chinook. Coho returns are about average due to spectacular ocean conditions over the past few years.

Raymond from Winnipeg Manitoba fished with Doug of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing and landed this eighteen pound Chinook at Effingham Island using a Skinny G bue Herring Aid. Raymond and family had an excellent fishing trip landing both Chinook and Sockeye Salmon
The large schools of Chinook normally migrate into Barkley Sound and feed on the rich resources of bait fish before making their final journey to the Alberni Inlet and then into the Somass River. The best Chinook and Coho fishing in the Alberni Inlet historically begins early in August. The Alberni Inlet provides a variety of hot spots for the many anglers that visit the Port Alberni area to sport fish. The top angling areas are Lone Tree and the Coulson Mill which are two spots in the Harbor. China Creek Wall, Underwood, Leaning Tree, and the Narrows are excellent fishing spots south of Lone Tree Point.
Sport Fishers, fishing the Inlet waters have best success using anchovy in a variety of teaser heads. Glow Army Truck, purple haze, cop car and green haze with a six-foot leader behind a variety of flashers will create some of the best results. Anglers will also have success using Pink and Red Octopus Hootchies. The AORL 12, Purple Haze and Spatter back are also excellent hootchie choices.

Jessica from Winnipeg landed two beautiful and very large Sockeye in the Alberni Inlet during the past week. Sockeye Sport Fishing has been amazing in the Alberni Inlet
Many Anglers during August will fish Barkley Sound from the surf line to the far end of the Bamfield Wall over to Pill Point and Ecoole. Austin-Cree, Beale, Wittlestone, the Bamfield Wall, Gilbraltor, Swale Rock and Pill Point should have terrific angling opportunities through the month. The returning salmon are most often in shallower water from twenty-five to sixty feet. Coho are often right on the surface. Best results for those anglers fishing Barkley Sound are using anchovy in the same teaser head colors as the Alberni Inlet. A variety of Coyote spoons, Skinny G Herring Aid in green and blue, and Big Eye spoons are terrific choices. A variety of hootchies in octopus and cuttlefish are often a sure bet at different times of the day and month. The best go to hootchies are the dark green spatter back, AORL 12, glow white, purple haze, clown, and army truck.

Kent fished with Doug of Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing and landed this beautiful Chinook Salmon in Barkley Sound
The fishing in Barkley Sound and the waters close to the Ucluelet Harbor Mouth over the past few weeks has been relatively good. The Coho Salmon fishing earlier in July and in late June was excellent. In August there should be big numbers of Coho all over Barkley Sound which has been a treat for many anglers. The Coho ranged from five to eight pounds and created some excellent sport fishing. The Coho were hitting a variety of small TKO spoons, Skinny G spoons and hootchies. The best results occur when one is able to match up the bait fish in the area fishing.
August will be a banner month for Chinook and Coho fishing and will produce many opportunities for sport anglers. The fishing in 2024 in Barkley Sound and the Alberni Inlet should be world class.
Tight lines
Report & pics submitted by Doug Lindores, Slivers Charters Salmon Sport Fishing (888) 214-7206
South Vancouver Island overview:
Chinook fishing was VERY GOOD in most areas since the Thursday opening for slot size chinooks. began. Most anglers have stopped targeting coho now that they can retain chinooks. Halibut fishing was SLOWER this past week with the best fishing out west towards Jordan River and Sombrio Point. Lingcod and rockfish fishing was GOOD. Crabbing was HIT or MISS in most areas.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Chinook fishing has been VERY GOOD since the opening on Thursday. The hot spots have been Possession Point, Otter Point and Muir Creek. Anglers are reporting catching and releasing oversize as well as slot size fish. There have also been lots of chinook grilse as well. Since most anglers are targeting springs, not as many coho are being caught. A few pink salmon have also been reported. Anglers ae saying that spoons and bait are working well. Anchovies have been the most popular bait and rood choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Purple Haze, and Bloody Nose. Spoons such as Skinny G’s, Krippled “KC”, Coho Killers, Coyote, and AP Tackleworks spoons have been good for springs. Popular flashers have been Jelly Fish Glow, The Bon Chovy, the Madi and the Super Betsey.
Halibut fishing was FAIR this past week, with the best fishing off Muir Creek, Jordan River, and points further west. We’ve also heard of some nice black cod being caught out west. Crabbing has been FAIR in the Sooke basin.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Port Renfrew
Salmon fishing has been HIT OR MISS both on the bank and near the shore.
Subareas 20-1 and 20-2 Effective 00:01 hours July 15 to 23:59 hours July 31, 2024: One (1) Chinook per day with a maximum size limit of 80 cm on marked and unmarked Chinook. Effective 00:01 hours August 1 to 23:59 hours December 31, 2024: Two (2) Chinook per day, no maximum size limit.
Becher Bay
Chinook fishing has been VERY GOOD since the opening on Thursday. The hot spots have been the Trap Shack, Beechy Head and Aldridge Point. Over size springs into the twenties and thirties in size have been caught and released as well., Coho were still coming into the marina in good numbers until the opening but then anglers shifted their fishing methods to target chinooks. Anchovies are effective for springs and popular choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Popular flashers have been Hot Spots and Oki’s in Herring Aid, Moon Jelly and Gold colors. Spoons such as Krippled “KC”, Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, and AP Tackleworks have been working very well. Hoochies have been good in glow colour patterns. Crabbing has been FAIR inside the bay.
Mike Chipps memorial Derby – August 10th-11th 2024 Weigh In times are Saturday 6am- 6pm – Sunday 6am- 1pm. Derby tickets are now sold at the Cheanuh Marina in spirt bay. Don’t forget to mark it down if you are bringing a kid in the derby with you. Hoodies and zip ups – $60, Long Sleeve Tees – $35, Tank tops – $20,
PRIZES: Largest salmon 1,2,3. Kids prizes 1,2,3. Largest halibut Hidden weight and Draw prizes. We have raffle tickets and 50/50 The raffle is for a Yeti cooler full of refreshments an indoor/outdoor grill 2 chairs a picnic basket full of all kinds of goodies and more to come. DERBY HEADQUARTERS: CHEANUH MARINA
BOUNDRIES: Trial island to otter point. DFO RULES WILL APPLY
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Pedder Bay
Chinook fishing has been VERY GOOD since the opening on Thursday. Anglers were getting smaller size springs in the bay with the larger fish coming from around the corner in Juan de Fuca Strait. Anchovies in the 12 pack were good natural bait and popular choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Popular flashers have been the Guide Series Oki ‘s and Gold Fever Hot Spots. Not many fin clipped coho were brought back to the marina as anglers switched to targeting chinooks. Spoons such as Krippled “KC”, Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, and AP Tackleworks have been working well. Crabbing has bee SLOW inside the bay.
Halibut fishing was SLOW this past week with the big tides. Constance Bank, William Head, the Mud Hole and East Race produced fish recently. Octopus and Herring have been successful baits when used with a glow hootchy. Bottom fishing for lingcod and rockfish was GOOD. Crabbing has been STEADY.
The Alpine Juan de Fuca Fishing Tournament will be held Sept 8th at Pedder Bay Marina. Pre-derby Skippers meeting on Saturday Sept 7th at the Langford Legion. This is a one day all cash derby.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Chinook salmon fishing was VERY GOOD this past weekend with a good bite early in the morning. Esquimalt and the harbour entrance have held good numbers of springs. Some coho and pink salmon are also being caught along the waterfront. Small spoons such as the AP anchovy, Krippled “KC”, Skinny G’s, Wee G’s, have been working very well. Anchovies are always effective for springs and popular choices for teaser head colors are Chartreuse, Bloody Nose and Purple Haze. Popular flashers have been the Herring Aid, Madi and Green/Gold Hot Spots.
Halibut fishing was SLOW at Constance Bank and in the Mud Hole. Lingcod and rockfish fishing was also GOOD. Crabbing has been HIT OR MISS, as commercial crabbers are thoroughly working the waterfront.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Oak Bay
Salmon fishing has been VERY GOOD in Oak Bay. A big run of springs moved into Oak Bay for the opening of chinook retention. Both the Flats and the Gap have produced springs in the teens for anglers. Effective spoons have been the 4” Needlefish AP Tackleworks, Herring Aid and No Bananas Skinny Gs, and Glow Herring Aid Wee Gs. and Coho Killers
Halibut fishing was SLOW south of Discovery Island. Lingcod and rockfish fishing has also been GOOD. Crabbing has been HIT OR MISS.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Sidney & Vancouver
Salmon fishing was FAIR to GOOD this past week. The best fishing was in the Inlet near Wain Rock, off Moresby Island and Coal Island. There were some fin clipped coho caught by Moresby again this past week. Prawning has been GOOD for limits when traps are left out overnight and picked up the next day. Crabbing has been HIT OR MISS.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,
Lakes and Rivers
Trout is FAIR and bass fishing is GOOD.
Cowichan River
The river closes for angling from July 15th to August 31ST.
Trout fishing has been FAIR to GOOD at most local lakes. The best fishing has been in the Elk, Langford, Prospect and Langford Lakes where the most trout are stocked. Shore anglers use Powerbait, Gulp Eggs, and worms while fishing close to the bottom. Fly anglers are mostly fishing Woolly Buggers, Leeches and Chironomid patterns. Trollers are catching the most trout with worms fished on Gibbs Wedding Bands behind Gang Trolls.
To find out about fish stockings all over the Island and the province, as well as the different strains being released, click on the link
Fishing was GOOD in all lakes. Most methods for bass are working right now but at different times of the day. During mornings, before it gets hot and, in the evenings, when it cools, the bass can be found in the shallows feeding. Top water frogs, poppers and ploppers have been productive at these times in the day, as well as soft plastics and minnow pattern crankbaits In the hot parts of the day, the fish have been going a bit deeper, holding in 10 to 20 feet, depending on the depth of the lake. During this time, dropshots, Ned rigs, jigs, deep running crank baits, swim baits, and jerk baits have been working well.
The Western Fishing League is holding their Boater Series #5 on Sunday, August 11th at Quennell Lake. This is the last Boater Series Event of the season and will be followed by the Championship at Shawnigan Lake later. It’s a team event with a 5 fish limit, 12” minimum and no fee for junior anglers. It is $100 per team with a 90% payout. No live bait and forward facing or 360 sonar is allowed. More info is available at
Fishing Tip of the week:
Measure your fish on a flat surface if it is borderline for retention! With slot size requirements for halibut and salmon, be sure that your fish is the correct length. If you use a tape measure and run it over the side of the fish, the fish will measure longer than the actual length, due to the curvature of the tape. Instead, place the fish on a flat surface and take a measurement of the length of the flat surface covered by the fish. Better yet, have a measuring tape taped to the surface of your boat where you can easily measure the fish. Best yet is to measure your fish while it is still in the water before thinking about bringing onboard.
The boat launches and all the local hotspots are going to be insanely busy for the next month.
It’s critical that everybody is courteous and safe out there. Do not park in a trailer spot if you do not have a trailer! Make sure your friends/guests know this as well. Whoever has the right rod to shore has right of way, try and observe this as much as possible. Everybody likes to get in tight to the rocks but be sure to give boats space if they are hooked up. It’s tempting to run right behind them when you see them hook up, but this will cause nothing but problems. Also, with August comes the fog, go slow In the early mornings, Especially if you do not have a radar on your boat.
Have fun, be safe and most of all good luck! I’m looking forward to seeing everybody have a successful season.
Submitted by Tom Vaida, Island Outfitters, 3319 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC (250) 475-4969,